NJ - Sussex County Poultry Fanciers Annual Fall Show 2012

I had a great time with my Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and Polish! I brought 40 chickens total and sold 28 of them.
Most of my hens sold on Saturday, and I was left with a ton of roosters on Sunday :p

I was also THRILLED to find out that several people who bought birds from me at the Sussex County Poultry Show earlier in the year entered my birds into the actual Show and won FIRST PLACE!! Awesome!!

My birds were in the first cages (closest to the auction / raffle side) on the left hand side of the sale building.. did anyone see me?? :D

Wow, I wish I could have spoken with you. I am the gal that contacted you a while back about hatching eggs that were supposed to come from New Mexico.
It seems the seller just contacted my friend today, promising a reship in the spring.
I am wondering if he also contacted you, because what he did was wrong to both of you.

I also was selling off a bunch of roos, in the corner opposite you.
Luckily, it is a lot quieter in my yard this week.

Congrats on the wins!
Hi Jenne! I saw you in the trailer when I came to look at your beautiful BLRW! I decided to go with a third ameraucana for my flock instead of the BLRW, but you did have some gorgeous birds! I was very, very tempted! I loved your frizzle polish roo, and probably would have taken him home with me if I had better luck with polish! The few times I've had polish, they always seem to have a tough time because I like to free-range my birds when I'm home during the day.

Roberta, were you able to sell all of your roosters?
I had a great time with my Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and Polish! I brought 40 chickens total and sold 28 of them.
Most of my hens sold on Saturday, and I was left with a ton of roosters on Sunday :p

I was also THRILLED to find out that several people who bought birds from me at the Sussex County Poultry Show earlier in the year entered my birds into the actual Show and won FIRST PLACE!! Awesome!!

My birds were in the first cages (closest to the auction / raffle side) on the left hand side of the sale building.. did anyone see me?? :D


Oh Jenne, we didn't know you were there! Lindsey and I rolled in late Saturday afternoon and headed straight to see Dr Brown. Then we visited Roberta and Vera in the sales area...and then we headed over to the show. We probably walked right past your cages. Did you bring Mr. Blue? We saw one WCBlue in the show cages and immediately thought of you. I hope you are doing well. Please say hello to your mom for me.
Tina G.
The weather is supposed to be wonderful! 65-70, and no rain! Try to get there for the Newcomer Info Session at Ten am!
Mame, I'm sorry we didn't arrive in time for the newcomer session. I bet it was excellent. Next show, we are going to try to enter some birds and join in the fun. Here is a nice picture of Roberta and Vera showing us a beautiful baby parrot.
And here is a picture of Dr Brown...
Next spring, when you set the date for the show, could you post a note on this thread? I'll stay subscribed so I can get a notice right away. Thanks!
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Wow! So excited for you! I know you said you were looking for those Marans! Was the Wyandotte from the center of the sale floor? I was SO tempted by those, but lucky for my lack of self control, they were all sold when I went back later. Remind me about that recipe - I'm trying to catch up homework, so I may forget - pm me if you don't hear from me.

I'm so glad you had such a good time! Thanks for coming to the newcomer talk, and welcome to the club!!

Tina, because there was enough interest, we will be doing a newcomer talk every show from now on, but will be covering general chicken questions, also. Even experienced people can learn something new, or contribute! Thanks for coming!
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I had a great time at the show! A long trip.....11 hrs one way but it was a wonderful show and the Sussex Co Poultry Fanciers rolled out the red carpet for the Giant Club, and we were greatfull!!!! It was a beautiful time of year. I had never been to NJ before and i enjoyed it. Met lots of wonderful, friendly,and helpful people. Thanks to all who's efforts made the show possible.

Shane, we were very honored you drove all the way up here to show with us - it was really great to meet you! Hopefully we will see you at some of the other shows. I'll be at Columbus and the Congress next. Thanks so much for coming!!
Wow, I wish I could have spoken with you. I am the gal that contacted you a while back about hatching eggs that were supposed to come from New Mexico.
It seems the seller just contacted my friend today, promising a reship in the spring.
I am wondering if he also contacted you, because what he did was wrong to both of you.

I also was selling off a bunch of roos, in the corner opposite you.
Luckily, it is a lot quieter in my yard this week.

Congrats on the wins!
You were there? I would have loved to meet you in person!
My house and property are much quieter, too!
Thank you very much.. I was thrilled to see some of my own in the Show Building. I've always wanted to enter some of mine, but it is such a trek to get there!!

Hi Jenne! I saw you in the trailer when I came to look at your beautiful BLRW! I decided to go with a third ameraucana for my flock instead of the BLRW, but you did have some gorgeous birds! I was very, very tempted! I loved your frizzle polish roo, and probably would have taken him home with me if I had better luck with polish! The few times I've had polish, they always seem to have a tough time because I like to free-range my birds when I'm home during the day. Roberta, were you able to sell all of your roosters?
I think I remember speaking with you- you're right, the Polish can't see above themselves very well. I have all of my outside birds in runs that have fencing on top. Actually, all the Polish I currently own are living in my basement, so I don't even have to worry about predators. lol
All of my BLRW hens were scooped up right away on Saturday- afterwards I had someone come by and tell me that I sold them at too low a price.. I asked the person, "Why didn't you tell me that BEFORE I sold all of them???" LOL Oh well! We live and learn.

I ended up keeping my Frizzle Tolbunt pair- I had so many people asking to purchase Frizzled chicks out of that rooster. I might hatch a bunch for the next sale!

Oh Jenne, we didn't know you were there! Lindsey and I rolled in late Saturday afternoon and headed straight to see Dr Brown. Then we visited Roberta and Vera in the sales area...and then we headed over to the show. We probably walked right past your cages. Did you bring Mr. Blue? We saw one WCBlue in the show cages and immediately thought of you. I hope you are doing well. Please say hello to your mom for me.
Tina G.
We missed you! We left the sale at 6pm, but up until then we were sitting infront of our cages all day in chairs we brought from home.

I didn't bring Mr. Blue because he is stunningly gorgeous and I couldn't part with him! He has turned into a STUNNING BIRD!!! I've never seen such a magnificent Polish chicken; he is such eye candy. He is very aggressive towards other roosters, though. He is the most aggressive chicken that I've ever owned- he is relentless and ruthless! Even after the other rooster runs away from him, hides in a corner, and screams in fear, Mr. Blue pounches on his back, punches him with his feet, gouges at his skin with his beak, and pulls out as many feathers as he can before I can manage to grab him. This all happens in less than 10 seconds (it's a good thing I was there to stop the attack). I can't put him with anybody except Carol's Golden Laced Polish rooster. They are good friends!

We are doing well. Lots of stuff going on, very hectic and very stressful! But who's life isn't? lol
I will tell my mom you said hi! I hope you and your daughter are doing well and I hope you enjoyed the show / sale!

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