NJ - Sussex County Poultry Fanciers Annual Fall Show 2012

We missed you! We left the sale at 6pm, but up until then we were sitting infront of our cages all day in chairs we brought from home.

I didn't bring Mr. Blue because he is stunningly gorgeous and I couldn't part with him! He has turned into a STUNNING BIRD!!! I've never seen such a magnificent Polish chicken; he is such eye candy. He is very aggressive towards other roosters, though. He is the most aggressive chicken that I've ever owned- he is relentless and ruthless! Even after the other rooster runs away from him, hides in a corner, and screams in fear, Mr. Blue pounches on his back, punches him with his feet, gouges at his skin with his beak, and pulls out as many feathers as he can before I can manage to grab him. This all happens in less than 10 seconds (it's a good thing I was there to stop the attack). I can't put him with anybody except Carol's Golden Laced Polish rooster. They are good friends!

We are doing well. Lots of stuff going on, very hectic and very stressful! But who's life isn't? lol
I will tell my mom you said hi! I hope you and your daughter are doing well and I hope you enjoyed the show / sale!

Who would have thought that such a sweet little roo would turn into such a macho top dog!
Wow! So excited for you! I know you said you were looking for those Marans! Was the Wyandotte from the center of the sale floor? I was SO tempted by those, but lucky for my lack of self control, they were all sold when I went back later. Remind me about that recipe - I'm trying to catch up homework, so I may forget - pm me if you don't hear from me.

I'm so glad you had such a good time! Thanks for coming to the newcomer talk, and welcome to the club!!

Tina, because there was enough interest, we will be doing a newcomer talk every show from now on, but will be covering general chicken questions, also. Even experienced people can learn something new, or contribute! Thanks for coming!
Yup I DID get one of those beauties from the center of the sale floor
...just wish I'd gotten 2!!
Did you get your easter egger from the guy that was down the center isle at the show? I bought one from him, he had a lot. Is yours laying? Mine hasn't layed an egg yet. And yesterday I put her out in the yard for the first time and she started weezing. Brought her back in and she stopped after a few minutes. How have you made out with yours?

Did you get your easter egger from the guy that was down the center isle at the show? I bought one from him, he had a lot. Is yours laying? Mine hasn't layed an egg yet. And yesterday I put her out in the yard for the first time and she started weezing. Brought her back in and she stopped after a few minutes. How have you made out with yours?

Yes I did, he was the one I got the Wyandotte from as well. My Easter Egger (Daffodil) is laying, fairly large green tinted eggs. Both of them seem healthy, and Daffodil is quite the flyer. Her first night here she flew into my neighbor's tree and my husband climbed up and got her:) She's a bit skittish, but the Wyandotte is very docile.
Yes they are good flyers. Ours flew through the house. We clipped her wings before we put her outside. We 're going to try again today. I read stress can bring out wheezing and the flock was not very welcoming to her. Hope she does better today.
LeeAnn, what a great picture on your profile! Well, it turned out I was glad I resisted the urge to pick up one of those Wyandottes after all, because I was able to get two fantastic buff Orpingtons and two buff Brahma pullets at the Ohio National this weekend. I am now just over capacity - I hope the flock can forgive me for packing them in, but they were too hard to resist!
LeeAnn, what a great picture on your profile!  Well, it turned out I was glad I resisted the urge to pick up one of those Wyandottes after all, because I was able to get two fantastic buff Orpingtons and two buff Brahma pullets at the Ohio National this weekend.  I am now just over capacity - I hope the flock can forgive me for packing them in, but they were too hard to resist!

Congratulations! Think of the extra body heat in that coop now for winter:D

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