Nn Black Pullet ? Cochin Pullet ? Barred Rock Pullet ?


10 Years
Jul 2, 2013
Yes I know the Pic are Fuzzy, that happens even with our No shake camera. comes with my OA

Pullets ?

Ok She was running @ the Flash

Giving me the Stink Eye ...

Turk and CottN

Cochin Pullet ?

CottN and Pebbles

CottN and Pebbles

CottN - I just notice the tiny Comb when I took Pic


How old are they? With the red feathers on the shoulder and the size of the comb the NN looks like a roo to me, The Cochin?looks like a roo with the red patches on the shoulder. The BR also looks like a roo with the light color and I think I see saddle feathers.
How old are they? With the red feathers on the shoulder and the size of the comb the NN looks like a roo to me, The Cochin?looks like a roo with the red patches on the shoulder. The BR also looks like a roo with the light color and I think I see saddle feathers.
Yes, the age would help. I'm fairly confident that the BR and NN are roos, but I'm not sure about the Cochin.
unknown Age -- they are Molting Now, if that helps

Guessing about 5 months old now .... got them last week of June. All had feathers, some little fuzzy underneath.

Guaranteed to be Pullets.

So the little Comb has nothing to due with sex ? I thought smaller meant hen ?
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I'm still waiting to hear back. . we had to de-worm & de- mite them, bring 2 inside to medicate them. all over the summer.
Is this Normal for new Pullets ?
They looked healthy,

Eat fine and all that now,
Only wanted eggs.

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Seller replied : said she ordered them and paid for Pullets, and asked what kind they were, I've little idea so I sent pic also said if she guaranteed them to be pullets then she would will cover

them. Now What : do I xchange them for proven Hens, Supplies ?

How many Hens to Roo ?


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