no animal by- product feed- help please!

His visit didn't change his mind and make him go order a big double cheeseburger, but it did show him that feedlots as a whole are not the horrific place that most animal rights groups would have you believe. Animals are animals and not humans, nor do they have human emotions which too many people put on them thinking they feel and respond how we would.

They are not medicated on a daily basis nor are they fed "junk" foods. The owners are in it to make a living and it would make no sense for them to run their business in a manner that cuts into a very small profit margin as it is.
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I just sort of feel like playing Devil's advocate today
. Regarding: "nor do they have human emotions which too many people put on them" always arouses my curiosity. This is especially true since there has never been any scientific proof of that, and it has been well established that the chemicals associated with our emotions (oxytocin is one example) are present in many other species. There is in fact more evidence that animals DO have emotions, than that they don't. They cannot articulate how they feel about things, but in science, the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. I have a good biochem background (PhD level) and the more I've learned, the less certain I have become of certain things. I have actually come to think that this is an argument of convenience.
If you will go reread my post, I never said they didn't have emotions.....I said they don't have human emotions.

I work with cattle every day so I'm well aware of how they react to things....both good and bad.

Look at it this way, if a animal is "feed" (injected) a preventative antibiotics each day wouldn't that be wasting money in the farmers part and taking away from his profit? Wouldn't you think that the animal would grow a immunity to the antibiotics to where the antibiotics would no longer fight the problem the farm is trying to prevent?
I wouldn't think a farm would risk there business by over using antibiotics or selling animals intended for a food sores that still had antibiotics in it.
Just think of the lawsuit that farm would/ could have on there hands if some people would die from a allergic reaction from the antibiotic that would be in the meat if sold with antibiotics still in it...

If you will go reread my post, I never said they didn't have emotions.....I said they don't have human emotions.

I work with cattle every day so I'm well aware of how they react to things....both good and bad.

What's the difference between human emotion and animals emotion then?

WE call them 'human' emotions just to put ourselves above, but really in fact why should they not be attributed to all animals? How do you KNOW for a fact that the mamma cow doesn't 'love' her baby calf? Have you ever heard dogs mourn (by howling) in the passing of one of their own? (I have) Isn't that 'sadness' or 'grieving'. I'd bet I could come up with examples for most emotions being seen in animals. We want to take away those emotions from them, that way WE don't feel as bad when we kill them or TREAT them badly.
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Dr. Temple Grandin, whose life was recently chronicled in the movie,"Temple Grandin", is an autistic designer of cattle handling systems, among other pursuits. For those who are interested, she has written a couple of books touching on the emotions of animals and also how their brains differ from ours. They are "Animals in Translation" and "Animals Make Us Human".
You are not going to get mad cow from chickens no matter what they are fed. Period. I don't know where you are getting your "information", but wherever it is stay away from it. It is wrong wrong wrong!!!
We feed our flock Purina products, which contain no animal proteins, but we let them free range daily, and they manage to find all kinds of animal protein in the yard, including worms, beetles, and lately huge cicadas. It's so funny watching them when one finds one, they grab it and run around with all the others chasing after it, wanting a chunk of that meat! In the winter, when the bugs are gone, I may supplement with fish meal.

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