No eggs and very jealous..

My hens laid a lot and now onw hen has been on some eggs for a week just got home from vacation so will have to checkm it out in the morning peanut
Hi Julie OK I don't know where that is but I am surpeiseed to hear you knopw where Jet is no one never knows where it is . we just got home from vacatation fun to go but nice to get home can' wait to check on my birds and see the one that is setting will keep you informed on her, she has been on her eggs for a week now have a good day tomarrow Peanut
I have one guinea that went broody in the coop and since then I haven't seen a new egg. Until yesterday when I found a nest of 20 eggs under a low hanging pine branch. Brilliant spot for it. Now to just get a lady sitting on it.
every one told me I had to have around 30 or more hor thento stat setting. I had a lot of hen lay in one nest have over a 100 in that nest and they have now been setting almost two weeks started out with one hen on the nest and now have 3 hens on the same nest so will wait and see what happens good luck peanut
when my hens started to lay they did cover them up with some of the straw I put in there to nest on. Cleaned out my coop today also and put large shaving in it the bootom of coop is dirt so hope this make a different,ask for help and peepsca told me that would work it already smell better. I have four hens on one nest can't wait to see waht happens fisrt eggs should hatch around the 1st of June or so and the rst fairly close wish me luck
was it hard to find the next or did you just stmble on it. well be interetsing to watch her keep us posted  peanut

I never would have found this nest if it warn't for a male standing guard next to the pine tree chasing off everything that dared come close. Then I went down when he was gone and saw the nest shielded by a low hanging branch and tall grass. When a hen is on it she is completely invisible!
Isn't it un real how they can hide so good, it reminds me of when I was a kid and the cows hide their calves, we had a lot of wild plum bushes and that was where they were usually at. Our cow this year had their out in the open ,,but we don't have a lot of coverage, but we got to see 3 of them being born ed do you know how long she has been setting on the eggs, can't wait to see what happens peanut

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