No eggs at 17 weeks

No. You have nothing to worry about.

Each bird is different, each breed is different. They aren't unhealthy because they don't lay perfectly on time.
I've had birds take as long as 8+ months.

I agree. It's definitely not an exact science and all chickens have their own puberty timeline, just like people do.

This article shows photos of chickens' wattles during a 3 week period just before laying, and has other useful info about when they may be ready to start laying:
UPDATE...Just came in from checking chickens and WE WIN!!! Found one egg in the middle of 3 nesting boxes I made. I left it in there to see if I could figure out which bird laid it. Also I took a picture of it beside a store bought Grade A Large egg and I would have to call it a medium. Don't believe it is a small. Remember I was raised on a egg farm of 1500 hens. I had to grade every one of those eggs. Hah! Drinkoj, you won't be far behind!! Now what did I do with that watermelon?? P>S> egg shell is very strong and a good "egg" shape!!
In my area grower/starter is one feed and there is a separate layer feed. I think different areas have different availability of feed types. Just make sure they are getting enough calcium. Grower/starter feed that I use has emphasis on protien ingredients ( I can typically get 17% or 20% or go up to maybe 24% with gamebird feed). Layer feed here has emphasis on adding the calcium and the protien is bumped down to 16% if I remember correctly. You could also just add oyster shell in a separate bowl for the calcium (I don't do this unless I start to find soft-shelled eggs).

I don't think it matters color of fake egg - just something round - I use golf balls, white, dirty white, yellow...

Make sure they aren't hiding thier eggs wherever they dig- they may have covered them up by dustbathing or scratching.
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In my area grower/starter is one feed and there is a separate layer feed. I think different areas have different availability of feed types. Just make sure they are getting enough calcium. Grower/starter feed that I use has emphasis on protien ingredients ( I can typically get 17% or 20% or go up to maybe 24% with gamebird feed). Layer feed here has emphasis on adding the calcium and the protien is bumped down to 16% if I remember correctly.
I used to use layer feed when I was told my birds would die if I didn't.

Now I NEVER use layer feed.. I ALWAYS use Flock Raiser and oyster shell is on the side for active layers..

Since learning the difference my birds have less harsh molt and return to lay sooner. :thumbsup

No, it doesn't matter which color egg you put where.. Just mark them well so they aren't accidentally collected. :)
How egg-citing!
Consider the wait like waiting for a Newborn to be delivered. Lol
You mentioned you have hay in your boxes. It has been found to have Pine shavings as the preferred choice. It allows them to wiggle themselves down onto your fake eggs. You will also hear her make more noises as the egg is traveling down the "shoot". LOL
It will be/could be small, irregular shape and have alittle blood on it.
You will/could a "Fairy" egg where she gives you a double yoke. That will end after a bit of routine laying so, enjoy the surprise of a double yoke. I always feel "Lucky" when I get one anymore.
My one RIR screamed the entire time during her first egg laying experience. I gave her a Big Fat juicy nightcrawler after that! I'm a labor Nurse and wanted to help her but could not. It was terrible for me too! Lol
Afterwards, I picked her and "preened" her and she leaned into my chest. I told her how proud I was of her. Now, she lays Everyday without fail even in this 100 degree Florida heat.
Let us know and of course post a picture of your new laying Pullet.
I will be waiting to hear all about it. :pop :pop
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Drinkoj, whiteleghorns 19 weeks today and NOTHING! I have 2 that look like yours and maybe even a little bigger combs and waddles, I have one more getting close. The other 3 are still running behind. If a horse usually will drop a fowl in nasty weather then maybe this tropical storm going over my head right now will help!! Hah! Good luck to you...but my girls still hope they win!
May also depend on how much daylight you are getting in your location. This time of year days are getting shorter so less eggs are laid naturally. You could use supplemental lighting to get the hours of daylight closer to 14 hours (I believe that is for optimum laying- please do your own research) if you want to force the issue. Some are opposed to this, I don't use it being in AZ.

Also have you started to mix in layer feed yet?
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On the feed... yes, I am using a grower feed now instead of chick starter. I just came in from putting my fake eggs in the nests. I have 3 nests. I kinda experimented with what eggs I had. Some white and some brown. I realize my white leghorns eggs will be white. But I do have 3 domoniques that are 6 weeks behind in age and they will lay brown eggs. Anyway... my experiment, I put 2 white eggs in one nest,2 brown eggs in one nest, and one brown and one white in the 3rd nest. Should it matter? Or should I put all white eggs in for now just to cater to the white leghorns?? These are exciting times for me. I just don't want to screw something up!!

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