No eggs, no poop, no eating. PLS HELP!

Chickie Trio

Jun 2, 2021
My 3yr old Rhode Red has not laid an egg in about 4 days. At first I thought it was b/c I found a skunk in her coop at bedtime one night who pooped there while I was trying to get him out. I did get the poop out but I thought she was freaked out & possibly laying at my neighbors, where she spends most of her time (our only other chicken pecks her so she stays away).

Suddenly she’s lethargic, not moving much and waddling when she does move. 3 times she vomited clear liquid when picked up. Yesterday I checked the back of her to find matted feathers & poop. I cleaned her up gently with warm water, a little (free of everything) soap & a good rinse. She rested & drank water on her own for the day but seemed to be a litter brighter eyed.

She’s been on the back porch since then with various food choices, lots of water - some w/vitamins - comfort, safety @ shade. She won’t eat a thing but is drinking lots of water on her own. Yesterday she wouldn’t even consider food. Today she showed mild interest but still declined & seems worse off. Only standing (not sitting) and in & out of sleep.

Best as I can tell, she’s only had one small, white, watery poop yesterday but otherwise nothing has come out of this chicken. She feels a bit swollen underneath & her crop does too I think (but tbh I find it impossible to tell what qualifies as swollen w/the crop) is sensitive to the touch.

Any thoughts &/or advice are greatly appreciated I’m so worried & time is of the essence!!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Thank you so much for your reply and for the speed with which you sent it. My sincerest apologies for not responding sooner! I did see your message right away but in my haste I neglected to come back and say thank you!

Thanks to the extremely informative articles you sent I think the problem is impacted and possibly sour crop. She’s still in bad shape but I‘m treating the impacted crop first and will update you on her progress.

Thank you again, so very much. You may have saved my chicken. 🥹🙏🏽
Birds that are truly egg bound can't pass droppings. She may have a reproductive problem, that often causes the abdomen to be bloated. You can give her a calcium citrate +D tablet or capsule (citracal or generic equivalent) daily to see if it helps her to pass anything, it will help with contractions. If you don't have that then a couple of tums ground up can help too, the calcium citrate is just better absorbed. If she's having difficulty passing an extra large or malshaped or shell less egg, that can help. Try to keep her hydrated. The crop backing up can also be a sign of something going on lower in the digestive tract. Reproductive problems are not uncommon in birds over the age of two and can include infections like salpingitis and cancers. Sometimes it's hard to know until necropsy what exactly happened.
These are good articles on crop issues:
My 3yr old Rhode Red has not laid an egg in about 4 days. At first I thought it was b/c I found a skunk in her coop at bedtime one night who pooped there while I was trying to get him out. I did get the poop out but I thought she was freaked out & possibly laying at my neighbors, where she spends most of her time (our only other chicken pecks her so she stays away).

Suddenly she’s lethargic, not moving much and waddling when she does move. 3 times she vomited clear liquid when picked up. Yesterday I checked the back of her to find matted feathers & poop. I cleaned her up gently with warm water, a little (free of everything) soap & a good rinse. She rested & drank water on her own for the day but seemed to be a litter brighter eyed.

She’s been on the back porch since then with various food choices, lots of water - some w/vitamins - comfort, safety @ shade. She won’t eat a thing but is drinking lots of water on her own. Yesterday she wouldn’t even consider food. Today she showed mild interest but still declined & seems worse off. Only standing (not sitting) and in & out of sleep.

Best as I can tell, she’s only had one small, white, watery poop yesterday but otherwise nothing has come out of this chicken. She feels a bit swollen underneath & her crop does too I think (but tbh I find it impossible to tell what qualifies as swollen w/the crop) is sensitive to the touch.

Any thoughts &/or advice are greatly appreciated I’m so worried & time is of the essence!!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
She was probably traumatized by the skunk. TLC

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