No eggs since July!!

Twin Mom

In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 19, 2010
Floresville, Texas
I have five hens that are over a year old and 10 that where hatched in the spring. I live in south texas where the summer was extremely hot and dry. Had a misting system going all summer, but no eggs. Then when the weather started cooling off the older ones molted. I have been waiting patiently for an egg while everyone keeps asking when I'm going to have some again.

Do I need to be doing anything special? Or is it just a waiting game like I have been telling everyone?
I don't have an answer for you, but you have my sympathy! Good grief!! I would think the ones hatched this spring would be laying. What kind are they? (And I guess you are sure they are girls?) Sorry, gotta ask.....
Living in a cool, wet and windy Wales, quite a few of my hens 'went on strike' from around August. Suddenly, hens and pullets are coming into lay and I am swamped with eggs in spite of very dark days, gales and floods....there's no understanding them!

All i would ask is ...Are they parasite-free and wormed regularly? It can make a great difference to their productivity.
I'm at the same place as the OP. Exceptional drought and heat, stopped laying, still not laying. But only on the ones that are over a year old. The others are ticking along as they should of course, being so young. Plenty of protien, plenty of calcium, been wormed, etc. etc. etc. Two of them have even had bright red combs the last month or two. But no eggs. I can only guess that the summer was harder on their bodies than I thought and that they need a long rest.

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