no eggs


6 Years
Apr 10, 2013
shropshire, uk
I have 5 ex battery hens that are about 20 months old, 3 have stopped laying all together, and 2 lay every day for a while then have a few days off, they are fed layer pellets and these are available 24/7, I clean all water out and refill daily, I have checked them over and can not feel any eggs or bumps or swelling, there are no signs of mites or lice or anything, poop is all normal, the only thing I have found on one of my girls, is missing feathers on her neck, but they look broken off not plucked, any ideas anyone?
Do you have rooster that maybe trying to breed? And do you have oyster shell out for them?
And for the ones laying its normal for them to lay and have a day for a testing period
They have access to oyster shell and grit 24/7 and no rooster, they free range in an are that is 44ft by 22ft, there are no eggs hidden anywhere
Since there is no rooster one or two of the hens could be taking the place of the rooster. Hens will stop laying a d could start crowing as well. It is a good idea to get a rooster if you are able to. Could be why they stopped laying. Really it's hard to say why they stopped but I have seen this happen to other people's flocks with no roosters.
I can't get a rooster not allowed, one of them is just coming out of molten so im waiting for her, and the 2 laying are my dominate girls
a battery hens life is not easy. maybe they are taking a rest. how long have you had them? my pullet stopped laying for two whole months I don't know why but then started back up laying every day to every other day. I think sometimes if they get stressed or if there is a change they will stop for awhile. have you changed any thing or introduced a new bird? its really hard to say why they stopped. hopefully they will start up again like mine did. I wish you the best of luck.
I have had them about 3 months now I think, I had them in a small coop with no free range time for 2 weeks but I didn't like like it, so I moved it to give them the free range area, then about 3 weeks after I decided the coop wasn't big enough, so I converted the shed, then i got the 2 I had to leave behind, then 3 weeks ago I got 3 baby's and I put them in the old coop in the chicken area about a week ago, but my girls had already stopped laying then, they don't even seem interested in the new ones, they can see and hear each other but they don't even bother lol, hopefully they are just taking a break and I haven't missed anything bad

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