NO sign of chicks...IS THERE STILL HOPE?

You had chicks hatch a week apart under a broody?
She hatched a chick and continued to set for another week?
Never heard of anything like that before.
My broodies always hatch theirs within a day of each other and never stay on the nest for more then maybe second day after first hatch.
I’ve never had a broody stay on the nest that long either.

I did the water test and no movement, had a peep inside and sadly all eggs were bad.
We had a disturbance on the nest (at night) probably around day 16, when one egg was stolen. I think this may have moved mum off the nest for long enough to cause the eggs to fail.

I have collected some 3 day old chicks and popped them under mum last night. She is a happy adoptive mum.
Glad you got her some babies!
You had chicks hatch a week apart under a broody?
She hatched a chick and continued to set for another week?
Never heard of anything like that before.
My broodies always hatch theirs within a day of each other and never stay on the nest for more then maybe second day after first hatch.
I have actually had that happen. She had food and water nearby, since she was setting in the barn near the cows, so that may have played a part in it. The chicks were eating and drinking, but I never saw her leave the nest. I eventually had to chase her off of it. Four chicks were dead in shell. (I'm blaming the fact that it was really high humidity that week.)
You had chicks hatch a week apart under a broody?
She hatched a chick and continued to set for another week?
Never heard of anything like that before.
My broodies always hatch theirs within a day of each other and never stay on the nest for more then maybe second day after first hatch.
I had a goose that continued to be broody and sat on maybe 2 1/2 clutches of eggs no problem. Even after going almost a month without seeing an egg, she took in 3, after i found out they weren't fertile, i gave her my two older goslings and she took them in no problem. Not once had she seen those two goslings after they hatched, and they were a month old. Some animals are just different
I had a goose that continued to be broody and sat on maybe 2 1/2 clutches of eggs no problem. Even after going almost a month without seeing an egg, she took in 3, after i found out they weren't fertile, i gave her my two older goslings and she took them in no problem. Not once had she seen those two goslings after they hatched, and they were a month old. Some animals are just different
I just meant setting until they hatched something but staying on the nest for another week.
Mine would have no way of doing that unless they wanted the chicks to starve to death.
Hi, Thank you. Today is day 21 so I will wait a few days. The supplier said even on day 24 the eggs can hatch. Sooooooooooooo, l am waiting and watching, so :barniefar no shows!! :-(
Good luck. This was my first's nail biting stuff!
You had chicks hatch a week apart under a broody?
She hatched a chick and continued to set for another week?
Never heard of anything like that before.
My broodies always hatch theirs within a day of each other and never stay on the nest for more then maybe second day after first hatch.
i have just posted about number 6 who hatched today and has been ousted from thinnest. two others hatched strong and healthy at the weekend taking the total so far to 5 strong babies at that point - 3 weeks later than number 1... we still have another two live eggs under her and she is sitting tight. I am very confused as, like you say, i have never heard of this before either. But suffice to say, clearly there is always hope... Keep your fingers crossed for my number 6 which i have put in my inch to fluff up. It is fully formed, but weak from being kicked out of the nest.

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