we have a 27°c now and it is already evening and i can't get a straw to prevent my chicken from cold is there anything else i can use instead of straw?

27°C isn't cold. There's no need to protect him at that temperature. Only if it drops to 20° (give or take 3 degrees) should you see the purple tips
we have a 27°c now and it is already evening and i can't get a straw to prevent my chicken from cold is there anything else i can use instead of straw?
I had 2 week on chicks in the coop with only a wool hen and day time highs of 27c. They would charge around the run too when the bigs were out free ranging.
I didn't Philippines weather is getting that cold. I don't know your condition, but many thing can be use 1) Electricity available: heat from light bulb, oil heater, other produce heat source can be use 2) No electricity: heat rock/brick, boiling water and put big metal pot/barrel can be use or just dig a large hole few meters away (add rock/brick to retain heat) down wind and use metal pip to route heat to the coop. To avoid smoke, the pipe must be lowest point as possible and put small hole screen to block any type object pass through beside heat. The heat source scrap (hay, straw, small branch, leaves, etc...) can be use. The other no heat source can use is the big pile of wet grass, mulch. wood chips. Unfortunately, this method require few weeks of decompose to produce heat which may not be valid. I am using deep litter method to keep the coop warm during cold season.
It shouldn't get that cold there to worry about frostbite but here's what we do here when it gets cold. Make sure there is good ventilation up high in the coop. No drafts where the chicken lives. Straw or wood chips to nestle in. I feed a little whole corn in the evening when it's cold out as the process to break it down produces heat to stay warm. (I'm in Michigan and it gets very cold in the winter here at times.) Any time I think they may be in danger of getting frost bite on their combs or waddles I coat them with a little Vaseline. Roosts should be wide enough for the feet so they can cover them with their feathers and keep them warm.

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