No wattle and a really super tiny comb, thought it meant pullet!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 22, 2014
Lowell Michigan
We are rather new to the chicken world and we've been patiently waiting to see who's who! We have 4 silkies about 5 months old, I gave them all a bath today and our black silkie Izzy (just loves her bath) when i was all done drying her with the hair dryer and set her down to take her picture and she crowed! Not just once but 3 times, its the most awful horrible sound I've ever heard! It sounds like a sick duck! I thought no wattle, no comb was a pullet! We love this chicken so much either way, we were just hoping it was a pullet! Any chance it could be a crowing pullet??
The blue silkie is Murphy, out of all of our chickens this one is the grumpy one! (Because of that my husband thinks its the only female!). The white silkie is Pringles and the other is a frizzle sizzle, cricket. We were hoping to get some tasty eggs and in the spring raising some baby chicks, not looking to good!
Yes, I'm sure. It was just the two of us together in the same room and it crowed 3 times! I keep reading all sorts of strange things silkies do. Maybe we will get lucky and have a crowing egg laying black silkie! So far everyone seems to be agreeing our white silkies is a cockerel! The black chick is kind of a mouthy bird that gets in trouble and talks back to us ALOT! The white silkie is so sweet and cuddly, a really calm quiet bird! Guess they have there own personalities just like people!
I'm almost speechless cause that black one sure does look like a girl. I hope you keep us posted on its growth and all that great stuff. I'm subscribing to this post so I know when you update. Patiently waiting to hear more :)
I'm almost speechless cause that black one sure does look like a girl. I hope you keep us posted on its growth and all that great stuff. I'm subscribing to this post so I know when you update. Patiently waiting to hear more

Its the one that looks most like a pullet!

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