No wobbling, bad sign?

When all the first 5 are dry, I would scoop them out and leave the last two a bit longer.

For the egg that has not pipped, you can candle that and see if it has internally pipped, lightly tapping on the big end should encourage a response. The egg that has externally pipped requires the high humidity, so a warm sponge put in when you get the dry chicks out will help get the humidity back up.

I don't normally encourage opening up when there is an external pip but you be able to help it, or, it may have already died. How long has it been still?

Sometimes, it's just not meant to be, and only the strong make it out.
The one that had pipped hatched by it'self yesterday. All of them hatched yesterday apart from this one which had not pipped. This is now day 23. Last night at about 1am i woke up to check and it still hadn't pipped. So i picked it up and it was tweeting, i candled it and it's beak is right next to the shell where it's supposed to pip from. I made a tiny hole just a few mm in diamiter, i didn't break the white membrane, i dabbed it with some water and put it back in the incubator and increased the humidity. This morning i'v just checked it - it's now 5am - and nothing, but it's still chirping. What should i do now? I don't want to start peeling bits of shell off but that's been over 24 hours now since the first eggs started to hatch....this egg i was sure was going to hatch first because it was wobbling so much, but i haven't seen it moving about since the others started hatching......maybe it's stuck?
If it's still peeping I would let it go a bit longer.

It may have been in a cooler spot in the incubator which would delay it's growth a bit.

It's hard to decide, taking shell away runs the risk of opening a vein if they have not retracted yet, too much shell removed and the yolk sac won't have been absorbed yet, but if you leave it too long it may die in shell.

SOme would try help, some would only let nature work it's a personal choice.

If it was me, I would let it go a little longer before assisting.

here is Sally's guide to assisting, might be very helpful to you in a couple of hours.
Thanks, i'v been reading that about assisted hatching. My chick has been chirping loudly for days, i think it has already broken into the air cell on day 18. Acording to the assisted hatching information if it's chirping loudly and not pipped i can help. I started making a zip line and the shell came off at the top, i opened the membrane very carfully, now she looks like she will just pop out, but she hasn't yet.....I'm just waiting now.....

If she has not freed herself yet she might not be ready.

You have done all you can. Be prepared that if she free's before the yolk is absorbed she might need more care in the navel area.

Keep the humidity up, membrane can still stick if she dries out.

Thanks for the update. Keen to hear how it goes.
My chick has hatched!! It made it!!

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That is fantastic, great restraint to not drag it out.

If it does not seem overly thrifty once it dries out, you can make some sweet water which I have found perks up new chicks that are not quite as spritely as the others. Cheap and easy to make. I only make it for the first water change though.

It's doing great now, in with the others, all fluffed out. It's got a black spot on it's head. It's still a bit wobbly but they were all like that for the first 24 hours or so. I think it's going to be just fine :) Thanks for all your help!

That's it there at the front looking up with the wee black spot on it's head :)

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