Noise level.

Right! I really thought I was getting them today. Mail came and nothing. They were shipped on the 26th. Now I have to wait till Monday which decreases my chance of still being hatch'able. Grrr...
Robopetz, the part that kills me is that the Post Office is wondering why they are going bankrupt. With crappy delivery delays, it's no wonder. Another thing that makes you wonder is why the Hatcheries use the USPS when the customer would be willing to pay the freight charges on FedEx or UPS NextDay. I may be in the minority, but I know I would pay the freight. I would be on the phone with the hatchery trying to figure out just what went wrong. I know they don't control the USPS, but they have to know that their products aren't making it to their customers in time. I hope things work out well for you.
Thanks for your concern. You are right about the delivery method, I never though of that. It was eBay eggs. Expected delivery date was today the 2nd I will wait to Monday and if not they will be definitely hearing from me. I hate the thought of eggs sitting in a box somewhere with their clock ticking away till not being hatch'able.
I've had coturnix and their call isn't too bad. Let me put it this way, you're sun conure is 10x louder and more persistent than the quail could possibly be. I have parrots, lol.
Lol so true! I'll probably give it a shot. Well.... I dunno I'm still debating from do I need fertile or just eggs from hens.

What kind of parrots you got? I would love an African grey when my living situation allows.
Of my own I have a female eclectus parrot, an amazon, and 2 cockatiels. I'm watching my dad's green cheek conure and I also work for a parrot rescue. If you're neighbors can handle a sun conure then I won't worry too much about an african grey. They make a lot of beeps, clicks, sound effects, and words but the screaming isn't too much worse than a sun. If you get a baby with positive renfororcement training you can teach him (and the sun, heck maybe even the quails) what sounds get your attention and which ones get them ignored. Always remember, parrots do not respond to disepline. You need to reward positive behavior and ignore negative until they get the idea that it's much easier to let's say talk and get immidiate attention than scream and get ignored. I fostered a Timneh African grey and he wasn't too loud at all.

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