Noise level.

I'm sure if you have one boy with girls it would be ok. I think my main issue was that they were all coming of age and trying to be "the man". The boy I ended up keeping is pretty quiet when he crows, and he doesn't do it often.
Of my own I have a female eclectus parrot, an amazon, and 2 cockatiels. I'm watching my dad's green cheek conure and I also work for a parrot rescue. If you're neighbors can handle a sun conure then I won't worry too much about an african grey. They make a lot of beeps, clicks, sound effects, and words but the screaming isn't too much worse than a sun. If you get a baby with positive renfororcement training you can teach him (and the sun, heck maybe even the quails) what sounds get your attention and which ones get them ignored. Always remember, parrots do not respond to disepline. You need to reward positive behavior and ignore negative until they get the idea that it's much easier to let's say talk and get immidiate attention than scream and get ignored. I fostered a Timneh African grey and he wasn't too loud at all.

That's what I read, one day I just thought of "hey, I wonder what the noise level is?" So I found this chart online and for noise, the African grey is in the same category as a cockatiel. Both in the low category. Your post just makes me want to go get one now. Lol When I first got my sun I have read many books, searched online. But, never got to research on training part yet. So I may be PM'ing you here. Lol that was my next step to research and start training. I have raised my sun from 3 weeks old. He's now almost 4 mos old so I want to start training. I heard clicker training is good? I love the birds you have btw. And am so jealous you work for a rescue. I am currently studying to be a vet tech to hopefully on day do what you do or something alike. Sorry for the long ramble!

I'm sure if you have one boy with girls it would be ok. I think my main issue was that they were all coming of age and trying to be "the man". The boy I ended up keeping is pretty quiet when he crows, and he doesn't do it often.

Ya, I don't plan on keeping anymore than one boy. Mainly hens for the eggs.

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