Noisy 3 day old coturnix chick!


In the Brooder
Jan 28, 2020
Hi, i have a 3 day old jap quail chick, texas a&m. Everytime it wakes up, it starts chirping so loudly. My question, are female chicks noisy? Because i remember this ones dad was noisy, & i am hoping its a girl. (Unfortunately only one egg hatched)

Thanks guys
Coturnix chicks are usually noisy if they're unhappy. If you only have one, it's definitely lonely. They will also chirp if they're cold, stuck, hungry, thirsty, etc.
Have you got a little mirror you can put up in the brooder for it? Try putting a little cloth in there too under the heat lamp - hold the centre of it and make it sort of like a tent with lots of folds, then try and encourage the chick to go under it and find somewhere to snuggle up into. That's what they would do under their parent's wings (if they were hatched and brooded naturally, which sadly rarely happens) but it does comfort them and they'll squeeze right under the cloth in the closest fold they can find. It's really sweet.
Ah, this happened to us, too, with only hatching one quail. One way to solve loneliness is to snuggle it by holding it in one hand and covering its head with your other hand. This makes it feel like it has a mother snuggling it. It helped our lonely quail chick a lot.

Good luck! :D

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