So I bought about 5 Silkie eggs from a guy who lives about an hour away from me, and I assumed that he kept his chickens separated(he raises many breeds, he said) by breed and color. Well I guess I should have asked, because out of 5 eggs I got 2 black, fluffy, normal looking Silkie chicks, and 2 smooth feathered black Silkies. The 2 smooth feathered Silkies are also developing other colors such as brown on their chest/back so I was wondering what they might be mixed with. They have 5 toes per foot, black skin, and I believe correct combs. Just their feathers are wrong, and I'm not sure if they have crests, but I think they might have little ones. Here are some pics
Normal Silkie

Smooth feathered black Silkie mix(?)

Brown markings on back.

Foot shot

Weird colored Silkie..Hatched blue with slight tan markings on face, progressed into tan mixed with blue all over body. I'm thinking he could be blue x partridge mix?

Tan tipped crest

I think this baby has a straight comb..

Foot shot

Another more normal looking black Silkie chick

I believe this chick may have a straight comb also..So I wouldn't want to breed it if it does, right?

The other smooth feathered Silkie mix(?)

Comb shot

She (I hope it's a she) has lighter tan markings on her shoulders, back, and chest, and is more of a blue/splash color on her back.

Feet. Not much fluff there.

Is it possible that they're mixed with Buttercups? I know this guy has Buttercups also, because I bought some of those eggs from him and they hatched. The chicks that hatched from those eggs look like purebred Buttercups though. I think the fluffy blue/tan Silkie came from my small flock of Silkies, but I'm not 100% sure about that.
Normal Silkie

Smooth feathered black Silkie mix(?)

Brown markings on back.

Foot shot

Weird colored Silkie..Hatched blue with slight tan markings on face, progressed into tan mixed with blue all over body. I'm thinking he could be blue x partridge mix?

Tan tipped crest

I think this baby has a straight comb..

Foot shot

Another more normal looking black Silkie chick

I believe this chick may have a straight comb also..So I wouldn't want to breed it if it does, right?

The other smooth feathered Silkie mix(?)

Comb shot

She (I hope it's a she) has lighter tan markings on her shoulders, back, and chest, and is more of a blue/splash color on her back.

Feet. Not much fluff there.

Is it possible that they're mixed with Buttercups? I know this guy has Buttercups also, because I bought some of those eggs from him and they hatched. The chicks that hatched from those eggs look like purebred Buttercups though. I think the fluffy blue/tan Silkie came from my small flock of Silkies, but I'm not 100% sure about that.