Non Flying Turkey does it exists?

A former member @JRNash bought Midget Whites and was trying to breed to the standard. If I remember correctly all of the ones he had ended being above the standard weight for the variety.
I am not sure what the SOP is supposed to be for the Midget Whites. I just picked Collins up a few days ago and I doubt he weighs over 15 lbs if that. The hens are smaller. I just rechecked the Livestock Conservancy site and they appear to contradict themselves in what they have posted. In the text part it says toms average 13 lbs., hens average 8 lbs. On their sidebar, it says market weight between 14 - 23 lbs. I guess one weight estimation is for dressed out birds?? I don't go to any markets and none around here that are close or that I follow. Heck, most people in my area never heard of the Midget White to begin with.

In any event, I have Collins and another tom named CooperII (CooperI was sadly murdered by rats!) as my spring breeder toms. I think counting Opal and Diamond, I have 5-6 other hens. There are a few that I cannot swear to but believe maybe 3-4 more toms in the mix. Things are still pretty fluid right now. :lau
I am not sure what the SOP is supposed to be for the Midget Whites. I just picked Collins up a few days ago and I doubt he weighs over 15 lbs if that. The hens are smaller. I just rechecked the Livestock Conservancy site and they appear to contradict themselves in what they have posted. In the text part it says toms average 13 lbs., hens average 8 lbs. On their sidebar, it says market weight between 14 - 23 lbs. I guess one weight estimation is for dressed out birds?? I don't go to any markets and none around here that are close or that I follow. Heck, most people in my area never heard of the Midget White to begin with.

In any event, I have Collins and another tom named CooperII (CooperI was sadly murdered by rats!) as my spring breeder toms. I think counting Opal and Diamond, I have 5-6 other hens. There are a few that I cannot swear to but believe maybe 3-4 more toms in the mix. Things are still pretty fluid right now. :lau
The side bar refers to Heritage turkeys in general and not specifically Midget Whites.
The weights listed in the article are the desired dressed weights for Midget Whites.
If so, I would think most of mine are on that list. That said, I have a couple (not all MW's) that are probably overweight due to feeding. lol. But the MW's are not big birds at all. I have a couple of blue slates that are approx 23 weeks old that are way larger and my bourbon reds at 4 months old are about the same size as the MW's. The MW's look larger than they actually are due to feathers (esp when strutting, etc), but body-wise are lightweights at best.

I have Light Brahma's and some crossed Naked Necks that weigh more than the Midget Whites do!

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