Non-PT Lumber Sealant?


8 Years
Dec 7, 2011
Okay - even though I have read much more info on how today's PT lumber is so much more safer these days for animals than it used to be, I'm still going to side with trying to use non-PT lumber to build my next coop. I figured out how the majority of the lumber in the coop will be covered from rain, but the corner posts will not. I'm thinking of going with non-PT 4x4s from a lumber yard near by. If I take this route, is there something that I can paint over the 4x4s that would seal them off from rain with no possibility of contamination to the soil or chickens?? Or is there another type of corner post (non-PT) that you would recommend I use? Thanks so much in advance!!
You might have some luck asking someone who does landscaping. I know that there are products out there, just can't recall the names. I'd read the label to verify that there isn't any arsenic, copper or chromium before purchasing.

It's also possible that you could find some of that plastic wood that is popular for decks. However, I am not sure what type load it will bear or how to support a load on it. Again, you'd need to ask.

Clearly, I'm spouting off about stuff that I know only a little about, but I hope that there's a small bit of an idea here that you can use.
Hi, How about metal fence posts. Then drill and bolt your framing to them. But honestly, I have treated lumber in both my coops and runs(posts, framing, etc..) two years and no adverse effects on any of our chickens. good luck however you decide to go.
Hi from Ga. Anywhere the wood will be touching the ground you should use PT . Otherwise it shouldn't be a problem. If your worried about other wood getting wet you can paint it or use Thompson wood stain on it.
back when, wooden boats were treated with various "soups" they all fit the same general recipe, with variations for each builder's preferences,

basic boat soup:
1/3 pine tar (TSC has this)
1/3 turpentine (the real stuff, not "turps")
1/3 boiled linseed oil

this would be slathered on every month or so when new and then as needed. I use 50/50 turpentine/oil and add what pine tar i feel like at the time.

on some larger wooden ships tar was used, if you can find some roof tar that is not "plastic" of some sort that would work well.

another option that I would suggest is to go find a hardware store that can sell you "cuprinol" or some other brand of the same thing. it is basically a copper based wood treatment that will resist rot and insects to some degree. with this you could brush the treatment onto the part of the post you will bury and then paint the part that is exposed. this should work fairly well. BYW Menards stores carry douglas fir 4x4 posts that are very nice and the doug fir is more rot resistant than some woods already (eg pine or spruce).

I used all untreated timber for my coop and have painted it with a wood stain/preserver designed (guaranteed) to keep it weatherproof for many many years. It's a wildlife friendly paint with no leaching toxins. I also raised my coop up on cinder blocks, and put zinc flashing under each bit where the wood touched the cinderblock, to further guard against moisture rising up from the ground.

Go to your paint store and ask to see their range of "wildlife friendly" stains and wood preservers, and see what they can offer you.
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Nonny - I will definitely go by the paint store and check on that. Do you think Lowe's offers that type of stain/preserver? Any chance you can remember the exact name of what brand you used? Thanks much!!!

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