Non sequitur haikus

Replied to a fellow haiku artist about the weather..... 5/17 22:00
Updrafts from the gulf,
Tornadoes from the west flank;
Fusing, no moon here!
#TalkinHaiku #HaikuWisdom #HaikuChallenge #Weather #Texas #NOW

Here is from a banter i had with someone. In the end, It appears I wore out their young mind in “TalkinHaiku format.”

Thy nocturnal hand
Casts warmth upon my shoulders;
Eternal I am...

Lie? I have no need,
Easier to remember
Truth, it’s less stressful.
#Veteran #PTSD #anxiety #TalkinHaiku #HaikuWisdom #meditation

Be careful wishing
The dark side grants them as well;
They have a price though...

Living in shadows,
Yet, no mercy from the storms?
Your Achilles heel?
#NoirHumour #TalkinHaiku #meditation #HaikuWisdom

Ar’t thou a minion,
Or henchman to a dark prince?
De-merit badges?

your training level,
Does it have a catchy name?
Inquiring minds....

Gentlemanly bow.
Acetylene, mutant #tool
Sparingly I use.
#TalkinHaiku #HaikuWisdom #Tangents #Haiku #Meditation

#Hobbies, do you have?
Developed, just for the joy?
Waste not, any youth.

Time is not a friend,
Melting rust to molten tears,
Slow resurrection.
#TalkinHaiku #HaikuWisdom

Practice on small things,
Little value lost in them;
When waking up skills.
#art #haiku #meditation

Go ahead & laugh
Like a kiss from a Phoenix
You’ll want so much more

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