(Noooooooooooooooo ! ) Toulouse Eggs in the Bator !!

Here is my set up.

And this is how I keep track of everything.


Holding breath and crossing fingers
Day 2

Temp is at 99-100

Humidity is at 50-54

Things are looking good.

Is there a smiley with it's cheeks puffed out and it's face blue. because if I can't learn to go 30 minutes with out looking in the bator, and holding my breath. or I will be purple and blue before this almost one month wait is over.
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End of day 2

when will I be able to candle and see veins? I have no clue if they are fertile or not so I am on pins and needles waiting. Now that I have seen MissPrissy's and that TSC had some when we went to get feed. has got me wanting geese they are so cute even when they are adults. and my mom loves that the eggs are so big. she said that she would have omelet's and I would have none to hatch lol. the only problem is dad, he is still against the whole waterfowl thing for some reason.

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Wait until day 7 or 10 to candle. You'll be sure to see something then.

As nice as geese are I encourage to hatch or buy quality goslings or adults. Be wise and build a strong, healthy pure stock that you know came from the best breeders as possible from the start. You have to get geese through nearly an entire year before they begin to produce eggs for you. You have to invest in them to get a return.

Good luck with this hatch. Your nerves will be shot in 28 days.
when we move I will be looking into hatcheries and breeders, but a nice little freebie from a local. never hurt he probably got his from mcmurray or somewhere. (even if he does not take the absolute best care of his animals. ) I do not really mind having to wait a year for eggs we can use the poo for fertilizer in the garden. and if they will help me mow the lawn I won't complain.
I have said it once and I will say it again. "where is the fast forward button on my incubator ?"

and since it does not seem that I will be moving to that six acres in time. then I guess I will use some of that birthday money that I have refused to spend. except on that hen I got when I got the eggs. I would like to invest in some geese, maybe get some Sebie's or embden's. or who knows I might stick to Toulouse. but I will have to move first.

It looks like we might be able to sell by may and then a couple of months until our house would be built. so maybe come fall I might be able to get goslings or eggs
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I saw week old babies toots as I call them I have a horrible time with there name, yesterday at the feed store , They were HUGE I was shocked at how big they were. THey were bigger at one week of age then my 5 and a half week old RIR by a bit.
Day 3

only a 25 day wait minimum

Goes back to look at MissPrissy's new babies again and then off to the incubator, to stare at eggs and say "hatch silly birdies come on out....out..... out."
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