
How much did you score your Brinsea off Craigslist for???

I got the eco20 with turner, and the brinsea candler, and a hovabator for $80. thats good right...???

EIGHTY DOLLARS for all that? You did REALLY good!
I am so jealous! I just got mine on sale for $99-no turner, no candler, and a Hovabator goes for $40 used around here!
Been a while since I posted on here. I have been so busy with all the chicks. My first hatch went pretty well May 8th. 6 Jersey giants and 2 Araucanas. The last 2 hatched have leg problems and cannot stand up. I tried tapping their legs together and they still are not able to stand. I read somewhere on here about keeping them in coffee cups until they gain leg strength. I put them in the cups yesterday and it is going much better. I try to feed and water them them whenever I am home about every hour. They are gaining strength and it may even work.

Yesterday was the beginning of hatch day for my Crevecoeur Banties. Had a terrible thing happen. 1 had hatched and another eas zipping and my incubator got knocked off the counter. On the floor with broken eggs and chicks. Terrible scene.
I believe I only had 1 fatality in that mess. I had to help 1 out of the egg a little early, but seems to be doing OK now. 3 little ones in the brooder.

Candled my eggs for my hatch next week Lock down May 16th. Had more clear eggs. Down to 3 Brahmas and 3 Barred Rocks. This should be my last hatch for the month and the hatch I will be using for the contest. I feel like I need a vacation. I know once I get more chicks out of the house I am sure the hatching bug will hit me once again.
Thank you for the condolences. Seeing happy, healthy, and fat chicks running around does make up for the hard stuff. I love my little babies.
Ok I was going to wait for my phoenix chicks to hatch but I think I will officially enter with my GOSLINGS because they are sooo stinkin cute.
Last year I attempted to hatch goslings in a styrofoam incubator and out of at least 30+ eggs, I got 2 goslings that each needed assistance, one more than the other.

BUT THIS YEAR I HAVE A BRINSEA ECO 20 and I am using aquarium tubing to add water every day because the water is evap-ing so fast. Its paying off. Every egg has pipped and 4 hatched so far. Its day 29.

Here is a photo:

Here is a video link:

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