My barred rock Willow is going through her first adult molt (she’s 18 months old). She had bare spots on her back from the rooster over the summer, which have filled in nicely since she’s been molting since maybe mid August and the rooster is now separated.
She recently lost her tail feathers and some feathers under her abdomen and under her vent, and I see a lot of pin feathers have emerged. She was perfectly normal the whole time she was molting until about 2 weeks ago. She doesn’t eat much now and doesn’t poop much overnight. She always was a loner but now she spends more time away from the other hens. I can get her to eat mealworms and BOSS, but it’s not with enthusiasm and she only takes a few bites before losing interest. She hasn’t laid an egg in about 2 weeks and her comb and waddles have shrank. She normally eats layer feed but I’ve also offered grower/ finisher (18%) and always oyster shells on the side.
I know these behaviors can indicate sickness as well, so I wanted to ask if others have seen these changes from molt and how much longer she may be like this. It seems like she’s in the end stages of the molt since her tail area is molting. The other birds aren’t as far in the molt and they are my first chickens (all 18 months old) so I’m not sure if this is to be expected. I think she’s lost weight but that would go with the decreased appetite, so I’m worried. Thanks!
She recently lost her tail feathers and some feathers under her abdomen and under her vent, and I see a lot of pin feathers have emerged. She was perfectly normal the whole time she was molting until about 2 weeks ago. She doesn’t eat much now and doesn’t poop much overnight. She always was a loner but now she spends more time away from the other hens. I can get her to eat mealworms and BOSS, but it’s not with enthusiasm and she only takes a few bites before losing interest. She hasn’t laid an egg in about 2 weeks and her comb and waddles have shrank. She normally eats layer feed but I’ve also offered grower/ finisher (18%) and always oyster shells on the side.
I know these behaviors can indicate sickness as well, so I wanted to ask if others have seen these changes from molt and how much longer she may be like this. It seems like she’s in the end stages of the molt since her tail area is molting. The other birds aren’t as far in the molt and they are my first chickens (all 18 months old) so I’m not sure if this is to be expected. I think she’s lost weight but that would go with the decreased appetite, so I’m worried. Thanks!