North Carolina

My broody has been sitting on 12 blue silkies. They are due tomorrow, but today I went out and 4 were alread out of their shells. 3 blue and a splash! The are so CUTE

Aww! too cute! I can't wait for Chickenstock now!
I gave the cross chicks to a broody hen this evening, and she seemed quite content with her new family. We'll see how she is in the morning. I think they'll be okay. If any more eggs hatch, I'll pop the little ones in with her, too. I've yet to have a hen who could count, and once they take babies, you can just add a few extras in there with no problems. Sneaky, aren't I?
Does anyone know where I can get 100% DE in or around Mooresville/statesville? My feed stores supplier only carries the red lake earth which is only 70% de and I keep reading mixed reviews. I would really like to use the "good stuff" if possible. I'm willing to drive a reasonable distance. Thanks!

I gave the cross chicks to a broody hen this evening, and she seemed quite content with her new family. We'll see how she is in the morning. I think they'll be okay. If any more eggs hatch, I'll pop the little ones in with her, too. I've yet to have a hen who could count, and once they take babies, you can just add a few extras in there with no problems. Sneaky, aren't I?

Or extra eggs under a broody, I think it is just old fashioned chicken math!

Gotta love that Chicken math!

Well, by my calculations my turkey eggs shouldn't hatch until the weekend, but they are pipping. Mom turkey must have started setting, and we just found the nest when she was up to eat. Good thing I put them straight in the 'bator! Two pipped this morning, so we'll see what happens.

Also a good thing I found them, else they would have all been eaten by fire ants when they pipped.

The birds are singing in the dawn's dark this morning. The workweek is half over. Hubby returns from his trip tomorrow. All is well.

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