North Carolina

Morning everyone....

Welcome to the new folks
Congrats on pips and chicks
Dang it on flea

Sorry HT on the loss of the chocolate baby
Congrats on the wins at Greensboro

Vfem... I still have your rooster.

I can't remember everything.......
Who else is going to the flock swap here in Fayetteville Saturday?
I hope to meet some of you guys there.
It's at the tractor supply store this time, right? I had thought about it. I reall want a buff Orpington/ Cochin/ or a barred rock.( love fat/ fluffy chickens!) I almost bought a barred rock chick at the feed store over on Persons yesterday. It was the only one left in its cage and looked soo pitiful trying to get to the chicks in the cage next to it. Unfortunately I know nothing about raising chicks and I'm afraid since I'm going out of town at the end of may that she wouldn't be big enough to go out in the coop with the other chickens. I don't want to ask any more of the people who are already going to watch my animals. Also, I wanted to again thank everyone who voted for my little Sophie! We u fortunately didn't win the Henbag, but came in a close second and got a second place prize of Night Guard Solar Light... I have since told hubby it is going in our Zombie survival kit! I figure if it scares raccoons and deer, it'll scare zombies too! BAWHAHAHAHA!!!
so far only 5 chicks out, 1 splash and 4 blues,
the dates are sightly staggered and the latest due to hatch due to hatch is the 20th. the 5 that already hatched out were from eggs that were over 2 weeks old. so i just hope a couple more hatch and that they are splash.

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