North Carolina

Oh, bless it's little heart! Is it supoosed to not have any fuzz on the back of it's head and neck?

Show-girls are naked-neck silkies.... that's how it is supposed to look.
Well banties and LF can breed, some will be small others bigger, but not as big as the biggest of the two parents most the time.

Well Mount Rushmore was. ...well big lol. Man, watch for the little green signs in Wyoming, they are not house addresses, they are the roads on the map
have you ever had much egg production out of the silkies, etc?

Who? Me? My silkies aren't old enough to start laying yet.... I think my oldest one is about 6 months old... (Blue Silkie)which I thought was a hen... but has started looking awful rooish... so I guess "Muffy" is actually a "Muffles". Which is sure to sadden "Puffy Daddy" (Black Silkie from Beth).... Because now he must share the one hen "Buffy" (Black Silkie).
I haven't seen anyone crow nor lay an egg in that pen.

But never fear... I have plenty of partridge silkies in a grow out pen & new chicks... freshly hatched out... plus more eggs in the incubator.
I blame chicken math... always an addition around the next corner.
Good Evening Everyone!! I am SO happy to report that DH and I were FINALLY able to catch and wrangle a very "naked" chicken and get her dressed with a saddle. I am sadden to report that for some reason they are pecking at her head (she has a little bald spot) and she is the alpha female...I am guessing someone is trying to take over her position??

On a family note: DD2 rolled over today...can you believe that happens at 2mo?!? ARG!! Time flies far too fast!! I think I may need to have another one soon if this is the case!!

ETA: While I was typing this...DD2 pooped all over DH!!
FINALLY he gets "hit"...LOL Sorry, I HAD to share this with someone who MIGHT find this as humorous as I did!! (Hey, I've had my fair share of getting bodily functions expelled on me).

The bald spot is from the rooster "hanging on" LOL
I didn't know you had show-girls. I just thought you had regular silkies. I sure hope the little one makes it.

I bought eggs off of Ebay.... so I didn't have show-girls... but now I do.

I hope the little booger makes it too... but it is looking doubtful, if she doesn't start eating. She will drink for me when I dunk her beak.... but so far I cannot get her to eat. I tried showing her how to peck... by grasping the back of her head and making her peck
no luck. I tried putting the feed in her mouth
she won't open up. So I made sure there was feed available underneath her feet.... hoping her sense of smell would kick in and she got hungry enough to actually peck at it on her own.
Good Evening Everyone!! I am SO happy to report that DH and I were FINALLY able to catch and wrangle a very "naked" chicken and get her dressed with a saddle. I am sadden to report that for some reason they are pecking at her head (she has a little bald spot) and she is the alpha female...I am guessing someone is trying to take over her position??

On a family note: DD2 rolled over today...can you believe that happens at 2mo?!? ARG!! Time flies far too fast!! I think I may need to have another one soon if this is the case!!

ETA: While I was typing this...DD2 pooped all over DH!!
FINALLY he gets "hit"...LOL Sorry, I HAD to share this with someone who MIGHT find this as humorous as I did!! (Hey, I've had my fair share of getting bodily functions expelled on me).

Maybe you need to get your hen a bonnet.

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