North Carolina

DON'T jinks us with snow!!

I am not a fan of winter-anyone else have to log in every little bit- most times when I leave BYC have to log in when I come back
Good Morning, Everyone!

I also think we'll have a more wintery winter than last year. I don't like cold, but we need it to help kill off the parasite eggs and larvae on the ground, and all that other fun stuff. I wouldn't mind fewer flies and mosquitoes!

Today is Tuesday. My chicks ship tomorrow!!! Everything is waiting for them. I almost hope they don't get here on Thursday, as hubby will be the one to get them then. If they come Friday, I can pick them up, and I'm trying to arrange it so I don't have to go to work at all on Friday, so I can spend some chickie time! Such things are important. This batch has the dark brahmas, welsummers, wyandottes and EEs. All hatchery quality obviously, but they can slowly be replaced by better birds. Right now I'm needing eggs and tis is the quickest way to them.

Didn't see much point in getting an EE roo, as they can pass that colored egg gene on without him. Perhaps a welsummer roo will give me some olive eggers down the road somewhere.

Dreaming. Chicken dreaming.

Have a good day everyone!
Quote: I would use a mask in the dust to clean out your coop. Also, you man spray a light mist of bleach sanitizing spray to help kill off anything left behind in your coops from the last batch of birds. This will also make it lower dust. I have seen it recommended before. You don't want for it to be wet enough for any period of time, that it may grow any mold. Be sure that it is also hot enough not to freeze. Once you have done this, I would personally still use a mask, and an occasional spray for maintenance, but the birds will enjoy having a dusty area to take a dust bath in still. You can amend the dust bathing station with DE in order to help prevent bugs (the purpose or the dust bath).

Once you restock from a trusted source, be sure that future birds have a quarantine station where the birds can not only get examined for ANYTHING ODD, but where at least more than one at a time can stay a period that you will feel safer adding them to your flock.

I care much for my birds, and yes like many I have a lot! At any given time there are 4 or more runs set up just for chickens. They are used in different ways at different times of the year. I do take in birds from others, to be re-homed, but I do NOT introduce them to my main flock for at least 2 weeks. Others on here may have different time frames that they feel safe with, but this will prevent one sick bird from taking out all. Some may still be lost, but not all. If I have a sick bird it or it with a companion will get separated as well. Temporary runs are not as difficult to put up as a new coop w/run.

I hope this is of some help to you, and if any others out there have anything to add... Please do, I'm sure that the more information that is shared the better informed the decisions we will all make.
I LOVE winter. Much more than the summer. I am so fair skinned I can get MOON-burned. You can't enjoy a season that forces you to run for cover or suffer. Late fall through early spring are the only times I can even go outside during the day. I don't mind a bit of snow here and there since in reality even if we get one bad storm it isn't that bad here in NC. It's not like we live up North where the stuff sticks around for weeks at a time. Two or three days at a time is small potatoes.

Hahahah... But NC shuts down!

The kids don't mind tough... they get to play in the snow!
NO school!!! <--- my boys.

They love the snow, and it only lasts for little while...
yes, need the cold to kill stuff and if we get snow, I hope its one that lasts a few hours for the kids to play in and than melts.
I'd really like to see snow Christmas Eve and gone by Christmas!! I will also say my RULE is that it is NOT allowed to snow on or before my birthday (and since my birthday is near Thanksgiving, I tend to push it to Thanksgiving as well...hehe). I moved down south away from the COLD midwest so I wouldn't have to deal with snow.
I guess every kid needs to enjoy snow in their lifetime!!

I think those of us planning on the Dec 08th (still working with hubby for this one!!) get together...needs to bring recipes to share!!
I am running out of new baking ideas and my poor hubby's waistline isn't expanding like it usually is!! LOL JK.

I am planning to bake bread, make baby food and do a few dozen cookies or so (DH needs to take some to work)...what kind of that's the question!! Hope everyone has a great day. Things have been quiet around my place. Although...we had a mysterious tragedy happen recently. Sunday we let our birds out (all were fine) and when we went to put them up early afternoon, we found our drake laying dead in the run!!
I don't know how/why it happened. He has been visiting our less than friendly neighbor (who's wife said it was okay) and DH wonders if the man did something to him. Who knows, but we're being extra cautious. Seems like we've had a lot of tragedy lately and I am still thankful we haven't had major losses!!

Have a great day everyone!!
I'd really like to see snow Christmas Eve and gone by Christmas!! I will also say my RULE is that it is NOT allowed to snow on or before my birthday (and since my birthday is near Thanksgiving, I tend to push it to Thanksgiving as well...hehe). I moved down south away from the COLD midwest so I wouldn't have to deal with snow.
I guess every kid needs to enjoy snow in their lifetime!!

I think those of us planning on the Dec 08th (still working with hubby for this one!!) get together...needs to bring recipes to share!!
I am running out of new baking ideas and my poor hubby's waistline isn't expanding like it usually is!! LOL JK.

I am planning to bake bread, make baby food and do a few dozen cookies or so (DH needs to take some to work)...what kind of that's the question!! Hope everyone has a great day. Things have been quiet around my place. Although...we had a mysterious tragedy happen recently. Sunday we let our birds out (all were fine) and when we went to put them up early afternoon, we found our drake laying dead in the run!!
I don't know how/why it happened. He has been visiting our less than friendly neighbor (who's wife said it was okay) and DH wonders if the man did something to him. Who knows, but we're being extra cautious. Seems like we've had a lot of tragedy lately and I am still thankful we haven't had major losses!!

Have a great day everyone!!
So sorry about your drake NH, I know you said you've had some construction going on, he may have gotten hold of some metal? screw etc. very bad for ducks to ingest. again very sorry.

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