North Carolina

So sorry about your drake NH, I know you said you've had some construction going on, he may have gotten hold of some metal? screw etc. very bad for ducks to ingest. again very sorry.

That is true ML...didn't think of that. I have a pretty chocolate trio I am bringing over to her.
I am tentatively planning on it, but it's not firm yet.

I am extremely temped, because I'm hoping someone with LF Blue and Red laced Wyandottes will have pullets for sale. I need to add to the single pullet and cockerel before he starts loving her to death as they get older. My husband is almost finished with the coup that will house 20 hens comfortable .... I know I'm supposed to have 8-10 per roo so I need to get at least 6 more.
I retired from Cali, so living here is dirt cheap compared to Cali. Plus as some has said, most people I have met are nice, friendly, helpful and your allowed to have animals unlike the so called animal friendly Cali where most places have banned them. I have a Horse, 2 dogs, 6 cats, 42 chickens and 17 Finches, both Zebra and Society.. mmm, i before e except???? sheesh... So on the job front I have enough to do here at home while my poor missus still has 5 years before she can join me.... mmm, iffen she can handle me full time. laughs...
Lose 1 gain 2, not bad.
Thank you ML for the insight. I never thought they would try to eat a screw/nail/construction stuff! I don't want to blame anyone, so I will blame myself for being a bad duck mommy!!

Beth has been such an amazing helper (enabler) to me these past few years!! I cannot thank her enough!! Everyone on BYC has been SO amazing...I could hug you all, but since I can't...I'll go hug my babies!!

As for the can KEEP it in the mountains please!! Thank you!! I am already COLD (I think I am part amphibian or something) and need the sun back...still...I REFUSE to turn the heat up so I will just put a sad puppy dog face on and implore DH to build me a fire!!

Off to come up with something WARM for supper and finish making a batch of baby food...hehe, I think I am burning up the motor on my blender!! Oops!!

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