North Carolina

Umm, that kinda looks like a deer print from my angle. I'm tilting my head to the right to look at it, like the two little cleft toes are pointing right. Am I looking at it correctly. Do you have a picture of the poo, that would be most telling. Dogs, cats and racoons have differently shaped scat.

Also, if you could give a general size of that print, it would help.
I'm sorry, the "present" I was referring to, was a 3-4 foot long black snake that is near the lone print. I wish I had some scat to judge it by, and I know the quality of the print is poor, it is roughly 2-3" (I am TERRIBLE at measurements)'s not big at all. Deer would make sense as we have an ABUNDANCE of them....but we have heard a "strange" sound in the woods lately and I've never heard a predator make this sound before, so I didn't know what we might be up against.
I was just trying to be "proactive" and know if there was a predator scoping out my mama and babies or not. I'm trying to decide whether to lock them up in the big coop or keep them out in the little one (NOT fully predator proof - of course NO coop is ever predator proof, but the larger one has a buried HWC skirt, locking doors with HWC and a concrete foundation).

Thanks everyone for your suggestions/ideas. Now to try and not to worry...TOO much about my babies!! LOL
Hey Dutch! Hope your husband decompressed okay and you are enjoying having him home!
Thank you!!! It's super good to have him back home, and he's doing great!

My favorite chickens are Barred Rocks. They don't lay as many eggs a year as a sex link, but they lay/live longer. And they have the best personalities, my kids had barred rocks and they were like puppy dogs!

I'm surprised there are coyotes in NC!
Thank you, I turned 37 today
Happy Birthday!
Thank you!!! It's super good to have him back home, and he's doing great!

My favorite chickens are Barred Rocks. They don't lay as many eggs a year as a sex link, but they lay/live longer. And they have the best personalities, my kids had barred rocks and they were like puppy dogs!

I'm surprised there are coyotes in NC!
Coyotes are in every county in NC! There was a coyote hanging around the grounds of my kids' schools this past year, both of their schools are in the same complex. They sent home a letter about it. Both my husband and I said let one of the parents with a rifle take care of it. I would have been willing to get it! We've seen prints in the back part of our property, but we get all kinds of prints from everything around here.
Coyotes are in every county in NC! There was a coyote hanging around the grounds of my kids' schools this past year, both of their schools are in the same complex. They sent home a letter about it. Both my husband and I said let one of the parents with a rifle take care of it. I would have been willing to get it! We've seen prints in the back part of our property, but we get all kinds of prints from everything around here.
I never have even killed anything... BUT once I started seeing predators around here, I am WILLING to! I guess the mama is coming out in me. So far my husband has been here to take care of anything that has been threatening, I do shoot and am sure I would if necessary.
so... I am sitting in the dark... the storm knocked out our power - this is the norm. It seems every time we get a storm we lose power. Thankfully we have a generator for the chicks, incubators and oh yeah refrigerator and freezer. I am on the fence, do I set the alarm for a couple of hours and go to sleep then check to see of the power has come back on or stay up waiting for it to come on? Once it comes on, I will need to switch everything back over from the generator to the grid power.

Matt, I hope that everything at your place is ok.

Everyone else I hope that you made it through ok too!
Our power is out, too. We're at the end of the line and are the only ones out. They had to drive through the wheat field to get to the transformer, but they're working on it. Hopefully we won't have to pull out the generator.
hope everyone is ok from the storms. we have down trees and no power for a little bit. but we still managed to go to the new salem small animals auction after we finished checkin fences. and a bout coyotes yea coyotes r like ants everywhere and in the worst places thats y everyone around here has guard dogs and donkeys

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