North Carolina

We have coyotes here, but the foxes are actually worse. My answer was to get a wireless collar system for the dogs. I wasn't sure that the dogs had actually kept away predators until I put some young birds in a pen in an area that was outside of the wireless fence area. Something got them in the middle of the day. I have birds in pens 20ft away from where these were eaten, but inside the fence system and they've been there all spring and summer, nothing has bothered them. I actually forgot to put away a pen of wyandottes the other night and they were still there in the morning.

I don't really like killing coyotes. If you've ever read Barbara Kingsolver's "Prodigal Summer" you realize that killing major predators is like setting off a domino effect. The predators like Coyotes or Wolves or even Snakes and Hawks can eat a huge number of pests. When you take one single predator out of that line of dominoes, the pests they eat multiply exponentially. I will admit that I remove snapping turtles from my pond. The last one barely fit into the havahart, it was huge. I release them over by my husband's work where there's an estuary.

Storms are here now. Just came over as I was putting birds away. Not so much rain, but lots of lightning. Heading out to sea......
Good Morning, Happy Chicken People!

The storm took out our power last night. Just ours. We're at the end of the line. The finally got it back on around 1:15. I'm hoping my incubator does okay.

Hope your day is awesome!
Good morning folks

Hope everyone weathered the storms with no damage
or issues from the appears we were lucky
enough to have the power stay on......not sure how many
branches and pine cones the grandkids get to pick up
so they "aren't bored" today. RF and I are going to check
out all those little treasures along 30 miles of yard sales

hope your day is a good one
RF and I are going to check
out all those little treasures along 30 miles of yard sales

hope your day is a good one
OOHH!! HAVE FUN!! I am jealous!!

I have absolutely NO motivation today. It was a LONG LONG night for us. We lost power at 5:30pm last night...we looked outside before the power outage and DH said Wow...there's a storm blowing in. I ran outside to remove the diapers I had hanging on the line and it was blowing so hard, I felt like I had a power workout!! Quickly locked everyone up for the night and the only "issue" was Mama was trying to protect her babies from this big "monster" that was trying to put her away! LOL.
I will say, living out in the boonies, with NO neighbors, surrounded by trees and not having power for supper/bedtime...makes for one DARK house! Poor kids experienced their first major outage (we're use to it going out for an hour here or there) and it was NOT pleasant. DD1 wanted her radio on to sleep and kept asking us to "get more power" while DD2 who is a teething mess, just wanted to be cuddled, but then didn't want to be cuddled because she was hot (low grade fever). LOL. DH was a mess because he's just a Wisconsinite who can't handle any type of warm weather (must read that as any outside/inside temperature greater than 65) and was complaining about being hot. LOL...then there's me. My cell phone was dead by the time I TRIED to go to sleep and all I could think about was "what am I going to do if I go into labor tonight?"
Obviously made it through the storm with no labor in sight, but the baby DID think it was a perfect night to learn to tango or boogie or something!! LOL. Needless to say, I went to bed around 2:30-3 just after the power came back on and DH's alarm woke me up at 5...I'm dragging, but blessed!! Aside from the power loss, we have all chickens/ducks accounted for and as far as we can tell, no damage to our property/fields/etc... I know others were NOT so lucky.

I hope everyone has a great day!!
well made an early night for the kids since power was off, watched the clouds roll by and lighting flashes as I tried to stay cool outside on my stoop waiting for the power to come back on.
Glad everyone made it through ok. We STILL don't have power! I was up every couple of hours making sure the generator was still running and the incubators were doing ok. Thankfully the two week old babies are in an outdoor coop and they are fine without power. Progress energy's recorded line says that they have no idea when it will be up. Thankfully I have a job that allows me to call in without too many problems.

Have a great day everyone!!!
We lost power around 4pm when the storm hit. We don't usually lose power. I guess my guinea eggs are ruined. The power was out until 1:30am (9 1/2hrs)
We had some damage from the wind and falling trees. All the furred and feathered family are fine, thank goodness. We got home just in time to get the little ones up and into the barn.

It is just beautiful outside this morning - nice and cool and not humid!! Will be a great day to get a lot of outside work done. Hope everyone can enjoy it!

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