North Carolina

We lost power around midnight, just as I was trying to finally take a shower after taking care of my sickest birds.

I had to go outside in my underwear and bathe in nature's shower
with the lightning all around me, thank goodness there were no actual lights, thank goodness I'm surrounded by corn field and woods!

The power came back on at about 3am and it was like when you get into someones car and turn on all of the blinkers and turn the stereo and blower all the way up and then shut their car off for them to turn back on at a later date and be completely startled by all of the sudden noise and action (not that I would ever do that to someone, especially not my DH or mother). Except that I was the only one who was woken up by all of this noise and action, everyone else remained blissfully unaware. I had to go around the house and shut everything off, AND I got the task of setting up my Walker Hounds "thunder cave" under the computer desk. Why do I alwayse get to go to bed last?
Hi from Franklin,
We were out of power for about three hours but did fine. There was a tree on the line. Quite a lightning storm and wind we had.
All was well until something got the neighbors guinea at the back of my house. I am thinking maybe a big hawk. There was feathers everywhere and not a sound from an animal, The Guinea was paying off but by the time I got from front to back it was gone without anything but feathers left. The last sound was airborne. Those guineas had been around for about three yrs. strange that something has been picking them off lately one at a time. That's two guineas now in as many weeks. They are not mine but still I had sort of gotten use to them being around. There is only one left that I think it is called a lavender one. It called for hours yesterday evening. At first there were 20 or so the first yr. They drove me crazy.
But the next only three and thus it stayed. They were all female and I liked that. They were pleasant company in the yard and did not destroy anything much. Now down to one. I feel sort of sorry for her. She is out there calling now.

It sure is a pretty one here. It was 52 this morning, bright and crisp in my mtn cove. I tied up the tomatoes and cukes to wire in my boxes. The bush butter beans are popping up all along the rows in my raised boxes. My hb built them for me since I am getting older and don't bend over as well. The reg. garden has greenbeans ,canning tomatoes and field peas that he tends too .Have a great day everyone. Stay safe
QUESTION:  So we THOUGHT we had a broody duck, but it turns out that she was either testing the waters or booted out of the nest for it seems one of our chickens decided to go broody and is now in the nest (with all of the duck eggs).  The problem is there are NO chicken eggs in this nest, there are only duck eggs.  The eggs have been "warm" the past few days (as well as buried) so we thought the ducks were taking turns sitting on them.  Anyway, would you all recommend we take the duck eggs (8 of them) from this mama and substitute them with some chicken eggs, or just let her continue to sit on the ducks?  CAN chickens hatch duck eggs?  I have NO idea how long she's been sitting on them, or if it would even work, which is why I am asking my "seasoned" BYC'ers!!  Thank you in advance!!

NH let her sit on the duck eggs. I have a hen hatching out ducks right now. I also learned (and I don't know if this accurate or not) but unlike chickens, most ducks won't sit on there nest all day. They will bury them to keep in the heat until they return...
anyway let her sit and then give yourself two hatch days... 35 from the time you gave the eggs to the duck, and 35 from the time the chicken started sitting on them so you know around when they will hatch. Also chickens do just fine raising ducks, my silkie raised 5 runner ducks this spring.
In some non-chicken news, we had huge storm and lost a very large old oak. It pulled the pole down and ripped the lines off the house, haven't had power since yesterday around 5pm. But, the chickens. cats, dog and people are all okay, so I am counting our blessings.
In some non-chicken news, we had huge storm and lost a very large old oak. It pulled the pole down and ripped the lines off the house, haven't had power since yesterday around 5pm. But, the chickens. cats, dog and people are all okay, so I am counting our blessings.
Sorry to hear about the tree, but so glad you and the rest of the critters are okay!! Hope they restore electricity to you soon!!

Wild - Thank you for the advice!! I will leave her to them (I'm still not sure if I have a broody duck or not, but I am pretty sure this mama is content to stay on this nest, so I will let her be)! I was wondering why I would see the duck on the nest at night and early in the morning, but later on, the nest was covered up and she was hanging out on my deck. LOL, guess they are just flighty?? It should be fun to see how she does with 8 (assuming all 8 hatch) ducklings!!

Hehe...if anyone wants some chocolate muscovy ducklings in oh about the middle of July or so...let me know!! LOL
Sorry to hear about the tree, but so glad you and the rest of the critters are okay!!  Hope they restore electricity to you soon!!

Wild - Thank you for the advice!!  I will leave her to them (I'm still not sure if I have a broody duck or not, but I am pretty sure this mama is content to stay on this nest, so I will let her be)!  I was wondering why I would see the duck on the nest at night and early in the morning, but later on, the nest was covered up and she was hanging out on my deck.  LOL, guess they are just flighty??  It should be fun to see how she does with 8 (assuming all 8 hatch) ducklings!!  :love

  Hehe...if anyone wants some chocolate muscovy ducklings in oh about the middle of July or so...let me know!!  LOL

Ooooh you might be enabling me...I do want duckies....

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