North Carolina

found a 7 foot long black rat snake in my broody's box today :( he swallowed 4 eggs before I found him. had a fun time teaching the neighboring childern that i babysit about them though, teaching them how to tell the difference between a venomus snake and a harmless one. and even though I was mad at this snake, I released him, cause I'd rather deal with him than a rat. one kid couldn't believe I held it.
not the best pic but the only one I could get.

ETA: if you zoom in or look closely the buldge behind the head is an egg.
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Picture time :D
My new mille fluer project cochins

my new black copper marans roo

my 3 week old jumbo pekin are as big as my 3 month old runners

Panda and Bindi rest on the bench

The turkey is getting big (and looking for a new home)

the kittens meeting the chickens


In some non-chicken news, we had huge storm and lost a very large old oak. It pulled the pole down and ripped the lines off the house, haven't had power since yesterday around 5pm. But, the chickens. cats, dog and people are all okay, so I am counting our blessings.
I'm glad you fared well. Much of Snow Camp was out. My daughter just got her electricity back after more than 24 hours. She even saw the tree fall that took down the lines in her neighborhood! It started a fire! Of course, the torrential rain that followed put the flames out fairly quickly. I am only 3 miles away from her but had nothing more than a flicker thank goodness so they spent the day here with water, toilets, and air conditioning. We have generators for keeping their fridge and freezer going. So, for us, not such a major problem as it could have been.
I believe Bennie Langdon, Mary's DH, just might have one or know someone who does.
DH does have one yokahoma roo... that I know he won't part with.... as it took him a year to finally get one.

Good oriental breeds are hard to find around here...

and forget ordering them from the hatchery.... we have several times and each time... they have failed to thrive.

But thanks to WCA we have ever so "not patiently" gained a few shamo, some siapan, a few Sumatra and one trio of yokahoma.

And I think I have finally convinced DH to downsize on his American game, since he now has a nice selection of the oriental breeds.
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BigMama is doing great with her little ones so far. One of the little faverolles was a little weak the first 2 days, but some PolyViSol in their water and a few beak dips did the trick. By day 3 I had no idea which one it had been. Now all 11 seem to be going strong.

Pictures coming tomorrow.

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DH does have one yokahoma roo... that I know he won't part with.... as it took him a year to finally get one.

Good oriental breeds are hard to find around here...

and forget ordering them from the hatchery.... we have several times and each time... they have failed to thrive.

But thanks to WCA we have ever so "not patiently" gained a few shamo, some siapan, a few Sumatra and one trio of yokahoma.

And I think I have finally convinced DH to downsize on his American game, since he now has a nice selection of the oriental breeds.
Glad he has been able to find the birds he wants and I have no doubts
none are for sale but nothing like getting word out that you have the
birds for future egg and chick a customer list
Good morning folks

these cool mornings have been a pleasure and almost........
almost.........make me plan for an ambitious day of lots of
heavy yard work but then the mid-morning heat sets in
and I come out my mind fog. I'm sitting here waiting for
DD2 to call and let me know what my plans for today
will be

hope everyone has a good day
Ooooh you might be enabling me...I do want duckies....
I'll keep you posted on the progress...I'm not even sure IF they will hatch as right now the duck and chicken are fighting over who gets to sit on the nest...the duck will hop on the nest in the middle of the day when the chicken gets off to poo, eat/drink, etc... LOL I also think the duck is stealing eggs as we started with 10 eggs and as of last count there were only 8...was unable to count last night due to the chicken sitting there! LOL. On the enabling front, Muscovy ducks are PERFECT as they are super friendly (well, at least mine are), don't quack and are great fun to watch as they "chase" flies and other bugs around the yard!!
I am quite smitten with them!!
NH- here is my momma hen with her ducklings (the others are hidden beneath her fluff)

LOVE IT!! I am hoping it works out for us...that would be SO cute...then again, I don't NEED all of these ducklings either...Hehe...I'll just enable NurseBecky!!

Sad news: we lost one of our baby chicks yesterday...not exactly sure what happened, but I think one of the teenagers pecked it to death while the mama was on the other side of the fence. I saw her go after a chicken and chase/beat it for a few minutes then she would not let anyone near the area (even though the rest of her babies were inside the run away from her)...A little later I went out and she was still "guarding" the biddie, even though I could tell it was already gone. I waited until she had her time to grieve - it was really quite amazing to watch (albeit sad/morbid)...she kept all the other chickens away and chased them around (aside from the ducks), she did let the babies come by and they didn't seem TOO interested, but it was hard to tell. She is obviously a SWEET mama...probably the BEST one we've had in terms of temperament and overall ability! Out of the 5 that are left, I think both my super blues and my English orpington that hatched are all Roosters!
They all have LONG necks, some pointy feathers trying to grow in there and...what looks like the development of a comb...not to mention they easily are BIGGER than the others (which I know is due also to breed), but....if my past history has anything to say...these will be boys! LOL...oh well, we'll try again, right?!?
Have a wonderful day everyone!!
Good Morning, Happy Chicken People!

Have an out-of-town chicken-friend visiting! Such fun!

Hope your day is awesome!

And..... A little bird mentioned that Someone is having a birthday today!


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