North Carolina

This chicken sale is till there! Went late but got to sere some regulars from the other sale here that is no longer operating.
It's smaller, but that's ok. Had the same variety of items. Used farm items, fishing poles, weedeaters, cage supllies, and of course rabbits, goats and chickens.

A big Thank you for the address.

I've got a chick!!!!!
I did a mass butchering last night cuz we had too many young roos. But I must say 4 month old birds are much more tasty than waiting a few years for them to stop laying. All is well here, baby had a doc appt today and is at almost 10 lbs.....That's like 2 lbs in 4 weeks! The birds are enjoying their new "fresh" watering system, as well as I am....don't have to ever fill up jugs anymore!!!!

What is your fresh water system? I must have missed it!
I know this is a chicken thread, but I know most of you have children so I'm hoping your experience can help me.

My baby will be 2 in 6 weeks and she hasn't eaten since yesterday, but she's staying hydrated, she told me her stomach hurts. This afternoon she started a fever and at 7 tonight it was 104. I gave her motrin and now at 9pm it's still 102.

I can't get in touch with her doctor and I'm trying to avoid having her sit in the ER all night because I don't think they can really do anything. From past experience I've always been told motrin works better for high fever than tylenol but to rotate motrin and tylenol every 4 hours.

Anyone know of any other tips for helping a fever to drop???
I don't like seeing it in the 102-104 range.
I know over 104 is really serious and can start seizures.

I'm googling stuff right now, but haven't really found anything.

I am sorry I did not read this post till today... just so you know you can alternate motrin and acetaminaphin every four hours.... Also a luke warm bath so not cold not hot is the best way to drop a fever by a degree or two fast. My 2 yr old is very sensitive to a fever and has had several febrile seizures and his pediatrician has us do the bath and then give the meds.

I hope you got to the dr and your little girl is much better by now! Again sorry!
Good Morning Everyone,

NH and Lizabel - so sorry for your losses - scarry!!!! We are over in Lee County, but this year we have seen fox and coyote

Mine are due TOMORROW! I CAN'T WAIT! I want to take the day off work, but it is probably best if I don't.....

CSB - did they find the snake again or chase it off?

Have a happy Wednesday!
Ok two questions for all you really smart chicken people...

1. I have 9 22 week old combo (of EE, 4 buff orpingtons, 2 polish, 3 I have no idea about) they are residing with 2 roosters. For the last 4 weeks we have gotten atleast 1 egg a day. but we have not gotten an egg in 3 days.... should we be worried?

2. I have 16 four week old ee and red sex link. how much longer do they need they need to be separate from the 6 month olds?

Hope everyone is having a great day! I have really been enjoying the no rain!
Good Morning Everyone,

NH and Lizabel - so sorry for your losses - scarry!!!! We are over in Lee County, but this year we have seen fox and coyote

Mine are due TOMORROW! I CAN'T WAIT! I want to take the day off work, but it is probably best if I don't.....

CSB - did they find the snake again or chase it off?

Have a happy Wednesday!
you know how kids are.......they made so much commotion and racket
that the snake was LONG gone before we could get there......
If we
find it and manage to catch it, it will be relocated to a secluded woods area
................or Hollow Oak Farm
You are the second one that has said the relocate snakes to Hollow Oak Farm.... hmmmm.... Do they offer that service? Had I known that I might have spared the one that ate my chick.
You are the second one that has said the relocate snakes to Hollow Oak Farm.... hmmmm.... Do they offer that service? Had I known that I might have spared the one that ate my chick.
No.........Hollow accepts donations of snakes and wanted
a few to keep around her chicken houses for rodent control.........
I just have SO many here that relocation is how we deal with them
............better for the snake, our birds, us and Mother Nature.

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