North Carolina

Ok BYC'ers...I spent the day waiting on the repair man and utilized my time wisely. I was able to catch up on my breed readings and came up with a list. I know everyone has their own opinion on which breed is best, etc...but I was hoping for some feedback on my list. I came up with 11 possibilities. (I am only allowed 8) So I was wondering what good combinations I could possibly derive from these 11. Here's my list (in alphabetical order, yes...I waited THAT long for the repair man) and happy posting!!
Keep in mind we're looking for good layers, possibly good eaters, one that weathers Central (more southeastern/central) NC climate well and is generally docile (I know that term is relative). Also if a roo would not be compatible with certain combinations, that would be an added bonus of information (again, I know every case is different, but I'm speaking in general terms...from YOUR experience). Please and Thank You!!
1. Australorp (Black Australorp), 2. Brahma, 3. Buckeye (ok...this one is not a necessity, but it does pay homage to my home state), 4. Cochin, 5. Delaware, 6. Jersey Giant, 7. New Hampshire (New Hampshire Red), 8. Orpington, 9. Plymouth Rock, 10. Rhode Island, 11. Wyandotte.

BHep - Pictures please
I need to see these chicks of yours!!
Holy Moly! Now thats a brooder.

Yup normal...they act you are some kind of monster.
Once they realize you are the auto feeder thing will change. Then they will be jumping ou the door as soon as its open. Mine do....

Ok good...I was hoping that I just didn't get a batch of human haters...Actually, I figured they all ahted me after washing all their lil tushies...
I cant stand a rooster in my flock
The hens always seem to be friendlier if there is no rooster in the mix. I had a rooster with my hens and still lost hens
He made sure his favorites where safe but the rest he did not seem to bother with. I just got my brahmas and even tho they where never handled in there life I can walk over and pick them up, I love them

1# Brahma
2# Cochin
3# New Hampshire Red
4# Orpington
I have not owned a orpington but have been aroung them and they have always been very friendly birds.
My Opinion:
#1 Buff Orpington
#2 New Hampshire
#3 Plymouth Rock

just one person's opinion.

Now now now Junkman... why's it gotta be buff orps??
B/B/S is much better!!! (and prettier to look at running around the yard)

But your right about Orps being #1 on the list.

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