North Carolina

Are most chicks fairly skitish in their intial weeks...I can't get anywhere near my brooder without a sprit to one side or the other and loud panic chirping...They will calm down if I stand there, but when I open the lid they take off again...Just curious, I dont want to be scaring the lil fuzzy butts, but I also want to be able to handle them so they get used to it...Again, Just curious...

Updated Brooder so that I can change light height:


Hope everyone has everything tied down. We(morganton) have a line of red storms on the weather map heading right for us. I think everyone is safe, but I going to take one more check before it starts. It is getting really dark.

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Holy Moly! Now thats a brooder.

Yup normal...they act you are some kind of monster.
Once they realize you are the auto feeder thing will change. Then they will be jumping ou the door as soon as its open. Mine do....
In the middle of horrible storm!! We are under a tornado watch
I handle all my chicks but I have never had that many at once, Love that brooder by the way
She has a 30x30 wire rabbit cage she goes in at night but she is out all day. We actually found a egg she layed next to the china cabinet
So we have a nesting box next to the china cabinet. Everyone once in a while I put her in her cage to use the bathroom and then she comes back out, We also have a diaper for her. I went to tractor supply and they already had the EE's and are getting more in over the next 10 weeks! So if you need to go, go now. So you dont come home with even more chicks
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Alexander Alleghany Ashe
Avery Buncombe Burke
Caldwell Caswell Catawba
Cherokee Clay Cleveland
Davie Gaston Graham
Haywood Henderson Iredell
Jackson Lincoln McDowell
Macon Madison Mitchell
Polk Rockingham Rutherford
Stokes Surry Swain
Transylvania Watauga Wilkes
Yadkin Yancey
I have to go back next week, I hope I don't come home with any more. My mom is going to go crazy if I came home with more
We have been tweaking the incubator to get it at the right temp. I have a digital that reads the temp and humidity but the one that came with the incubator says its 5 degrees less. Not sure which to trust.

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