North Carolina

I had the same with my oldest (now 17 1/2). My 4year old is starting to get it too, but they are not the offenders in question today.
That's quite a range spread between them.......17 1/2 to 4

my hat is off to you
lol yeah it is. My neighbor has 5 boys, oldest is out of school (this being his second year out) and the youngest is 3. When I was pregnat with my first baby, there was an older woman in the waiting room crying. I asked her what was wrong and she said that she was having a baby. I told that wasn't a bad thing. She looked at me and said "My youngest baby is 16 years old and she is learning to drive, I thought I was done!" All I had to say was "At lest you have a built in baby sitter, and it might keep her from having kids before she's out of school." The lady nodded but didn't look any happier.
I had the same with my oldest (now 17 1/2). My 4year old is starting to get it too, but they are not the offenders in question today.
That's quite a range spread between them.......17 1/2 to 4

my hat is off to you

LOL.... I have a 7 year old, 6 year old, 2 1/2 year old and a 18 month old..... plus I have a 4 year old baby sister! My dad was FLOORED!
Good morning folks

and another week is all but down the tubes.........
it seems like we just got over the holidays not all
that long ago and here I have to get out the lights
and decorations again........

I like seeing all those lights and decorations.....
.just not too thrilled with putting them up and then taking
them down again.

I'd leave up the lights and let the leaves hide them
but the sun fades the bulbs and there is just way too
many of them to color in

hope everyone has a fun day
Good morning folks

and another week is all but down the tubes.........
it seems like we just got over the holidays not all
that long ago and here I have to get out the lights
and decorations again........

I like seeing all those lights and decorations.....
.just not too thrilled with putting them up and then taking
them down again.

I'd leave up the lights and let the leaves hide them
but the sun fades the bulbs and there is just way too
many of them to color in

hope everyone has a fun day
lol The one bush I lighted last year still has the lights on it. Depending on how things go I will either take them down and relight it or just run the cord back over to it

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