North Carolina

My DH doesn't undo anything I do with the coops.

What mine did was more along the lines of strew stuff all over the Master Bedroom and Living room that I had spent the whole day digging out from under kid stuff. More toys and junk in my room than the kids sometimes. So yeah, whole day to get it clean - 5 minutes to get it destroyed again. No wonder a woman's work is never done..... Ah well, at least he makes good coffee and brings me chocolate.

On a completely unrelated note... started integrating the roo in with the rest of the girls today. Had the bright idea to put a couple at a time into his outside pen with him and see how he does. He is 20wks to their 8wks. I figure it being new to him it's fairly neutral territory. Well, I get the two EE's in there with no problem at all. So I brought out one of the Delawares. Boy was that a mistake. Dumb bird decides to get all tough and try to "dominate" the roo. She can't even reach the top of his head to peck at him. Somewhere in the fray (no blood drawn so no worries) one of the EE's managed to get out of the pen. I heard something behind me and there she is in the yard checking me out. Both my dogs out, and a neighbor dog too. So I go trying to round her up and of course my 2 year old starts trying to "help" and then my 4yo gets jealous and he wants to "help" too. Naturally during all of this the other EE gets out too. So I'm chasing chicks, yelling for DH to come help, trying to get kids back in the house and take the dogs with them. Luckily, the Delaware managed to get out cuz third time is a charm right? DH managed to get the dogs in the house while I picked up and carried the kids in. Soon as I got back out to help with the chickens (which were headed for the woods that I KNOW are occupied by foxes and owls and other fun chicken eaters) the kids come back out to the back porch to watch - and let the dogs out. After circling the same trees numerous times trying to coerce different birds I finally had some success luring them close to my box to transport them back to the coop in. They were about 2' away from the box when my stupid beagle figures out what's going on and decides she'd like a nice chicken lunch - DH yells at her to get back inside. Chickens scatter. Finally herded them over to the bushes along the front of the house where they retreated behind the bushes between bush and house. I crawled under the bushes to block their exit and snatch whichever I could while DH herded them towards me. Managed to finally catch them. Soon as I walk past the roo's pen carrying the two EE's (which he now has to himself again) he's perched up on top of the compost pile and lets out a nice smug crow of satisfaction. Smart alec.

Had better luck later when I scooped him out of his pen and held him on my lap while I sat in the run with the girls. He stayed on my lap while they finished up their dusk tasks and eventually went in to sleep. Anytime anyone got curious I gently shooed them away and smoothed his hackle feathers down. I'd hardly call him a "lap chicken" but he seemed to settle down nicely. One day at a time...

Other than that, it was a pretty uneventful day. How about you guys?
Happy Birthday Tammyfarms!!!!!!!!!!!

hope it was a good one
UGH I am soooo sore spent a good four hours on a horse today, my "sister" and I have been excersing her horses while she is laid up with a broken leg. we are working with a 5 year old mare, who hasn't been under saddle in about a year. a 9 year old green broke gelding who spooks way to easy(that is being fixed ;) ) a 1 year old, never handled philly, she is being taught ground manners and how to bear the saddle and two 7 year old mares who do just fine under saddle though neither one has been ridden in about 5 months. it was a long day!!!!!!


UGH I am soooo sore spent a good four hours on a horse today, my "sister" and I have been excersing her horses while she is laid up with a broken leg. we are working with a 5 year old mare, who hasn't been under saddle in about a year. a 9 year old green broke gelding who spooks way to easy(that is being fixed ;) ) a 1 year old, never handled philly, she is being taught ground manners and how to bear the saddle and two 7 year old mares who do just fine under saddle though neither one has been ridden in about 5 months. it was a long day!!!!!!



Fun! I haven't ridden in two days.....
Hey Coop...25 of 36 went into lockdown for hatch today and have 16 out and about with some pipping, not bad for molting hens huh?

So far 9 of the 12 duck eggs are good

Plus hatched 3 spitzhaubens today. I might set another 12-16 Spitz ...
Might have to fill the bator one more time...hint hint
Hey Coop...25 of 36 went into lockdown for hatch today and have 16 out and about with some pipping, not bad for molting hens huh?

So far 9 of the 12 duck eggs are good

Plus hatched 3 spitzhaubens today. I might set another 12-16 Spitz ...
Might have to fill the bator one more time...hint hint
congrats on the hatch/ happening hatch hope the rest make it out for you.

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