North Carolina

Not even in bed for 5 minutes and the kids are DEAD asleep.

How did your 2 littlest like the snow Bhep? to love the magic of snow on youngsters after
a full day of play
I love to look at the snow, but the cold has to Up here in the mountains it has been below 0 with wind chill factor. My poor chickens can't keep up with the weather, they don't know from one day to the next if they should lay or

I hope everyone's animals are doing good in this weather. I am so ready for warmer weather. :)
Lol. That is funny, it is amazing what we will do for our birds. They sound as bad as my dogs, I open the door to let them out then the cold hits them & they look at me like really mom, you want us to go out in
Good Brrrrrrr morning folks

5:30 in the morning and the temp here is numbing 10 degrees
and since the sun isn't up yet it will get colder yet........outdoor
chores are not going to be fun this morning. Just chill my willies!!!

Hope everyone and their critters are okay today

hope everyone stays warm
Nice ride, Iceman!

Gotta go back to work today, but we're on delay. That means I get to wait until dawn to do chores. Good thing, as I don't want to disturb anyone until I have to. It's cooooollllld out there!
The little ones enjoyed the snow. The bigger ones were frozen and cranky, so went inside.
I took both LGD for a good long walk about the property to check things out. Was interesting to see all the different prints and the chicken house were full of beautiful birds.

It was 8* here this morning, no it was not too bad. I did wake up the 3 bigger kids to help carry out the water jugs. I have not even tried to get the water going out there. I went out every 2-3 hours yesterday to crack ice and make sure everyone was ok. Today should be above freezing in the afternoon....we shall see.

On another note.... seem like some crud was shared here. Had a puker this morning.

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