North Carolina

Naw, I blame Brain's mom, the traffic guy from WRAL news. His mom got him an electric snow shovel for Christmas this year. And DOT for putting the reflectors on the road not even 3 months ago. Every time they put those things on the road, they come back within 6 months to scrape them off along with the snow or ice we got.
Good morning!!!
I LOVE seeing this snow (though I feel a little cheated, they were telling me a foot, we only have like 2 inches!) But snow is snow

Some of my birds are loving it, others won't leave the coop.
How long can quail go without water? I forgot to pull all their water containers out last night & they froze. I have them in the tub thawing right now, but it will probably be a few hours.

Here's the picture of Olivia, she's in the back. Can't see her all that well, she's one that's refusing to come check out the snow.
Chores took much longer than usual this morning. No, not because of the snow. Because hubby helped me. Grrrrrrrrrrr. He throws me completely off my pattern, doesn't ASK what would be helpful for him to do, and I have to go behind him and double-check everything anyway.

People should only help other people with their regular chores a.) if invited or b.) if capable of following specific directions.

Otherwise, quit getting in my way!

On the other hand, Reilly and Levi have never seen snow and are enjoying it thoroughly! Murphy and Jake have seen it before and are perfectly content to stay inside near the fireplace.

The chickens are sticking their heads out the door wondering what happened.

Dutchbunny, water is important for helping maintain body temperature. I'd use some hot water to melt those containers and get them some water out there. You're going to need to give all the animals fresh water several times today anyway. If you don't have enough containers to alternate them, you'll need to get them thawed faster. Maybe fill the sink with hot water, put them in, run water to everyone else, and them come back and refill those.
My chickens are freaked out with the snow They hop in it like a cat in water I had to carry one of the younger hens to the group because she was on the wood pile and wouldnt come off It was to funny
No birds venturing out..the geese took a taste. Footprints are human.
No-one is impressed with this snow. Goats have not left their shelter either. LOL

Ladybug doesn't seem to mind.

Chickens are not liking the snow. Had to shovel out one area of coop, so they would move around. They were huddled in a 5x5 area that was covered.
Snow is pretty dry, hard to make a snow man! Did the best we could with our 4"!
Snow always brings out the kid in me, building a snow man-snow ball fights-no work! Love It! Hope everyone made it thru the bad weather ok!

Hollow-- Thanks! Obviously I know it's important for them to have water, but I didn't realize water is how they regulate their body temperature. I love this site, I'm always learning something new!
I got a bunch of those shallow Tupperware square containers and gave them to everyone because you can easily get all the ice out. I filled 2 empty milk jugs with water I have sitting by the door so it's room temperature. Every couple hours I just go around and fill them back up.

Beth-- Love the pics!!!
Well, I took the kids on the track hunting walk in the woods beside our house that we do every time we get more than just a dusting of snow. They had a blast. We seen different sized bird tracks, a rabbit, a dog who we could hear baying somewhere off in the woods, squirrel, and different dig spots from them.
Dutchbunny, water is not the only factor in temperature regulation, but it is important. Many people assume that since it's cold animals don't need as much water, and it's a recipe for trouble. Perfect, using containers you can knock the ice out of and refill quickly!

Hubby left me alone to do the late morning water run. Thankfully. It was much nicer than his help from this morning!

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