North Carolina

THanks, all!!

Beth, I'm trying real hard to tell by the saddle and hackle feathers, but I'm just so new at this that I don't know what 'pointy' looks like. Lol. I've only had chickens for a year and all mine are hens so far.

The black ones to me look curved - like our other girls. And that one acts like the other girls. The white one I have seen sort of facing off with one of our other young ones (a few weeks younger than these guys)... None of the others did that. Not sure if that is just pecking order order stuff or if that was rooster behavior. Again, I'm just too green. :)

The white ones do look slightly pointier to me, I think... Here's another photo where I think the hackle? feathers might be pointy.

I am in Alexis, your very neighbor. Sheatina
I am too-

Rhyne Rd.
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Biologynerd's, can you post a pic or two of your polish? Plz
Biologynerd's, can you post a pic or two of your polish? Plz

Hey tj - I will have to dig up some photos on them cuz they were on a different phone :) I will try to post some.
Also that white chick is definitely NOT a barred rock, probably a white rock? :)

Ramereze- and someone else asking about egg production drop and watery poo -
1. I put mine on "corid" from tractor supply for coccidia prevention- with all the rain we had I usually make sure mine get this when it's wet for days at a time...
2. Dewormer along with vinegar in water and diatomaceous earth in feed and on ground. I use wazine as well as ivermectin. I read safe-guard for goats is great too as an option. I know people may disagree, but this could cause watery poo and a drop on egg production
Carol beau - I think they look like hens. I agree hard to tell in pics. It looks like a brahma mix (white) and a silkie mix?
Here are some pics that show saddle feathers. Find it's back- follow with ur fingers near where the tail starts (on it's back still) now spread the feathers and look for shiny shiny pointed sharp feathers. By sharp- triangular tips.

Hens have rounded tips with no shiny feathers there.

Here are some pics that better demonstrate.

Hen above - round tips no shiny feathers

Roo above (note shiny pointed feathers)


Roo again

I hope this helps u!! Took me awhile too :) once u figure it out it's great. I can tell sex by about 4-6 wks now ( and also feather sexing of day old chicks is fun )
Totally a change of subject... Anyone know of anyone in western nc that has any dorkings Cornish or marans ? Those are hard to come by and high dollar!

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