North Carolina

Is he still eating an drinking?if so take pedialite and crushed boiled egg yolks to him in a seperate pin if he's not eating or drinking mix the two into a runny pasty mixture and squirt its slowly into his mouth while holding him under one arm this may take two people. I'm no vet but i used to work at an animal rehab and volunteer for an aviary for exotic birds crop feeding if it doesn't work he's too far gone but try not to stress him out too much
Help! One of my roosters combs and waddles looks really pale like orangey pinky colored! :( he's acting a little sluggish too! :( he was getting picked on by another rooster and I jut separated them. Idk what's going on!
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The egg yolks provide fat and protien for energy the pedialite or water and corn syrup will get hydration and blood sugar back up fast
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[COLOR=008000]Good morning folks  [/COLOR] :frow

[COLOR=008000]What wonderful weather we have been getting.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]I need to put in a goldfish pond and have been trying[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]to decide where is the best place for it. I think this[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]summer I will also put in a new patio. Right now all[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]we have is a small stoop area at the front door.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]So many plans.....hope I can get some done.......[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]just thinking for now. [/COLOR] :oops:

[COLOR=008000]hope everyone has a good day [/COLOR] :yiipchick
you know I build koinpond and brick paver patios...i am a yardmaster!!!!
you know I build koinpond and brick paver patios...i am a yardmaster!!!!
Hahaha....I know you do but you also expect green paper for it too.
My fat butt needs some exercise so I can save two
gym fees and no labor fees.........unless you have a need to donate
to the poor chicken lady

Thanks for the tip Carolbeau......I'll keep that in mind when placing it.
If I see a pale faced bird, the first thing I do is check the bird over really well for bugs. If you find any bugs, you can use sevin dust or some other products to kill them.

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