North Carolina

I've been considering ordering some wild turkey poults from a hatchery. I find that some hatcheries won't ship them to NC. I've been trying to find any information regarding wild turkey regulations in NC, and can't find anything online. I've seen some comments from people that you will get fined if you take in a wild animal to raise as pet, however, the birds I am considering are not born in the wild. They would be hatched in a hatchery. Can someone direct me to where I can find info on that subject? Thanks!
Check with your county agr. agent. He can give you the name of the national poultry agent near you. They know all the laws that manage poultry. If I were due testing I could ask but I have had my testing this last 6 months...

My very first chicken I got. My old, sweet girl. I found her dead in the coop today when I got home from work. No sign of a predator. I guess she was just getting old. RIP Margo! We will miss you.
Hello Everyone!

Our family moved to NC this past summer (Oak Ridge). We had backyard chickens in Nashville, TN and are looking to get a small flock (4 or so) started here. Our old flack stayed with our home when they sold which we thought best for the birds. Not as much stress for them, but we sure do miss 'our girls'! We had a silkie, Wyandotte, Americana/easter egger, marans, Dominique and orpington. We like the heritage breeds!

Also, I do a hatching project each year for my children's classes at school. Such a neat way to introduce life cycles and frankly to some children the concept that eggs actually come from a chicken and not a carton in the grocery store! ;-) Each year in TN I was able to get some hatching eggs donated from my Backyard Chicken friends in Middle TN. I always try to get a nice variety of breeds so that the kiddos can see that not all eggs are white or the same size and the chicks/chickens don't all look the same. Many of them do not know this! My hope is that we can keep a few from this hatching project to start our new flock here. (So I am willing to pay a bit for some of the eggs since we would be keeping the chicks). Otherwise, I am happy to bring back any chicks that hatch. Otherwise, we will find a farm for them. ;-) If anyone would be interested in helping out I would appreciate it. We are looking to begin in mid March or early April.

Interested to know which breeds those around us raise and get to know some of you.
We are loving NC so far and would like to get back in the chicken business. ;-)
Laura Lee
I'm a bit over an hour from you, but I can connect you with a guy closer to you who has hatching eggs. I remember he has Black Copper Marans eggs, and probably Olive Eggers, too. Due to their gentle demeanor, my favorite hens have been Orpingtons and Sussex, but they do have a difficult time with the heat and humidity here. My Welsummers and Cream Legbars handle the heat much better. The best personality of any hens I've owned has definitely been a Barred Rock hen, who loves to talk to me and follow me around.

My very first chicken I got. My old, sweet girl. I found her dead in the coop today when I got home from work. No sign of a predator. I guess she was just getting old. RIP Margo! We will miss you.

Oh that's horrible :( I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure she had a wonderful life with you. That is the part of having chickens that I dread most. Goodbyes are hard.

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