North Carolina

Hi there, I am in Wilkes County!
Question? I have two biefelelder pullets. They started to lay at the end of February. They have layed good until about 3 or 4 days ok. Now they've stopped. Is there something wrong.
I wish I had an answer for you, but unfortunately I don't. The only things I can think of that would cause hens to stop laying would be broodiness, stress (or illness), or overfeeding and/or poor diet. It's the wrong time of year for molting, I'd think. Sorry you aren't getting any advice here. :(
I wish I had an answer for you, but unfortunately I don't. The only things I can think of that would cause hens to stop laying would be broodiness, stress (or illness), or overfeeding and/or poor diet. It's the wrong time of year for molting, I'd think. Sorry you aren't getting any advice here. :( 

Thanks, i know they are not going broody or molting. This is the first time they have layed. I was wondering if this was normal or was it something else.
Thanks Again
First timers can be erratic as their systems develop and get used to the process. As ling as they aren't egg bound, unlikely, and are receiving a good diet thwy should get back inti the swing of things. Also, if they can hide their eggs, they often will. Found a buch of egga under a shed once and also behind a board leaned against a fence. So, you might need to do an egg hunt.
First timers can be erratic as their systems develop and get used to the process. As ling as they aren't egg bound, unlikely, and are receiving a good diet thwy should get back inti the swing of things. Also, if they can hide their eggs, they often will. Found a buch of egga under a shed once and also behind a board leaned against a fence. So, you might need to do an egg hunt.

Thanks i was hoping is was something simple. I ruled out egg bound also because it's been 4 or 5 days since they've layed. So I'll keep checking the nest box and waiting.
Hi everyone! I posted back in Feb and introduced myself. My family moved here from Nashville, TN last summer. We have backyard chickens there and loved it! I started doing a hatching project in my kids' elementary classes and will be doing that here at their new school as well. We have chosen a set date of May 4th so I am now finally ready to make some plans for hatching eggs. I like to collect a variety of breeds so that the kids can see the variety of eggs - colored, sizes, etc. Some think all eggs are either white or brown like the grocery store and all chicks are fluffy yellow! ;-)

If anyone has some hatching eggs that they would be willing to donate please let me know, I would be very grateful. Also, if you have some to sell I would also possibly be interested if they aren't too expensive.

Thank you in advance!
Laura Lee

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