North Carolina

sounds great - as a gal from West Virginia , I remember my Momma making dandelion green salad - ( along will all kinds of green pickin ) - she would wash the green part and pour hot bacon crumbles and grease over the green to wilt ... I know it sound nasty but goodness that was some good eating - along with a pot of pintos , corn bread and a big slab of onion ...

That would be a meal after my DH's heart!! He loves him some pinto's and cornbread.
Me too HT one of my favorite meals. and easy too.
also forgot to say congrats on the pips hope to hear and see some pictures soon.. scm
looks like we're still waiting on the other 3?
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All my birds except my grey or self blue frizzle and cochin and my Birthday White Crested Top hat are on my page. I will be gettting the other pictures this weekend. It has been a busy spring start up and by the time I get home it is close to dark. The wait wont disapoint. Wilma is the cutest thing. I work with kids and will be bringing her to work tomorrow. I think I am the one more excited.


just wanted to say I LOVE LOVE your Gabby... sooo pretty
I forgot to say that Wilma is so cute Bird Collector!! I would love to have a house chicken but my dh would just tell me to move on out to the coop
Thanks olf, I love my lil frizzle and one baby has feathered legs the other is smooth.
I use DE - I put some in the feed once a week - but I also still worm them once or twice a year. I also use DE for dusting them and I use it on the ground, in they houses (when the coop is cleaned out)... if I can sprinkle it - it has probably seen DE in the coop

for their feed - I sprinkle some on top in the feed container and then shake and mix it in
ML - That is one GORGEOUS bird you have there...and the babies...
I could just love on them all afternoon!! (what kind is she? I know she has the frizzie - or whatever it's called to make her feathers "curl" up...but still need a little help identifying the rest!!
from Johnston County!!
BC - That girl of yours is certainly cute!! LOVE the top "fuzz"

Gavin - I have a similar recipe from my grannie who use to make a dandelion & greens salad that sounds familiar. Now I am going to have to hunt it down!!
My DH would LOVE the bacon, bacon grease and anything else that "hides" the salad!! He is NOT a fan of anything green & leafy!!
We are polar opposites!!
waiting for more news of pips and zips and
Just stopped in to say Hi. Very busy around here today, I need a nap!

CONGRATS SBM on the pips... can not wait for pics.

Loving Wilma...I am getting some WCP ans SLP next weekend. Can't wait !

I will catch up later.

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