North Carolina

Hey Em, did you get power back? It really does help
I am sorry that you get them to, they really stink
We got power back tonight, but I'm still at the hotel for the night. I wasn't going all the way home tonight.

I have a client who owns the hotel we're in, so she gave us the room for as long as we need for free. I have a lot of very wonderful clients.
I am glad you got power back
That is really nice of your client, hotels can get pricey these days. We have to go out of town next month and are looking at hotels, and it's crazy!
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Many thanks to all for the best wishes for Allison.

Allabout - go to bed. I use to suffer migranes and would shut down and sleep, it turned out I needed glasses!

Chickens and eggs - still only 4 laying, but the buff's should be almost any week now, so that will hopefully be around 8 per day.

Em - so glad you got power back.

Where in Ashe? How many chickens and what kind?

Off to my 6 yr old nieces birthday party...who has a party at 10 am???
Thanks, HT and Greeneacre! Guess I'll just keep watching those silly Orps a while and watching closely on those saddle feathers! Boo to my BLRW, but I already knew he was a boy, just hoping for

G&A - Hope Allison is well on her way to a full recovery!!! Take it easy over there!

And allabout, you get feeling better, too!!! Used to get them but no longer do - mine were caused by jaw muscle tension (was a teeth clencher) but now with lots of stretching I haven't had one in a couple years! But one good trick is put a cold pack on your head and your feet in the hottest water you can stand - it draws the blood rush in your head causing the migraine down toward your feet and helps. I found lavendar oil helped as well - put a couple drops in the water. Good luck with them to you and Em!

Othercat! Love Ashe County! So pretty up your way. And gotta love those Ashe County cheese curds!!

Good luck, Squishypuff!!!!!
If you find the small bottles let us know where - I would like to get together HT's recommended first aid kit and could use some myself!

Have a good day everyone, and have fun with your chickens! Take some pics and post them if you can! And have fun at the bday party, buttercup!
Good morning everyone!

Welcome Othercat to the group

buttercup, have fun at the party

Thanks suburbanchickymama, I will have to try that. I forgot to tell you that you have some beautiful chicks

I was finally able to fall asleep last night at 3:30ish, but before that I candled the eggs under our broody. All 5 are developing but she is starting to loose interest in them. If I let her out she would go, I was refilling her food and she ran out. So I figured she would wonder back in, but about an hour later she was still out. I got her back in and she is now sitting on 4 but has pushed the 5th one out. Am I freaking out about this?
I am hoping for not to hot of a day, we are planning on starting our coop!
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