North Carolina

I've heard that too. I have nine standard size girls though. I don't think that would work. And my husband isn't too impressed with the idea....
We moved the kids ginormous trampoline into the garage and my husband was busy zip tying poultry netting around the legs today trying to make a makeshift temporary pen for my birds. I'm mostly worried about my LF roo and his crankiness. His only laying age hen is broody and so "out of commission " for his purpose. I don't want him injuring one of the girls because they can't fly away.
Isn't BYC great!?
Nice to meet ya! I'm in Apex not far down the road!

Not liking this storm either. And between my folks house (about 8 min. away) and our house we have 10 evacuees on their way in the morning!!!!!!!!! So I'm going to have my hands full! Man I hope my coop holds up!!

Good luck everyone! I'll be pretty busy til the storm passes but I'll try to check on all of ya if I can. Hope everyone escapes without damage and all our little chickies are ok!!!!!!!

Aaak! I have eggs rocking in the bator when I went out just one to start lockdown! I am super excited...but Irene, why did you have to pick NOW! It's my first successful hatch and, after candling, both eggs have active chicks in them!! How soon after rocking can they pip?

Welcome to all the new folks !

Jloeffler......... you will have chicks within 24 hours. You will be fine. Congrats and pics please when they hatch.

I have a bunch of younger birds that will be loaded into dog crates and brought back in the house, the rest will ride the storm in the barn
I will let them out to free range in the AM then call them in when it starts to get too windy. They ride out the squalls we have been having with no problems. The ducks will be my problem children
I will keep them penned up tomorrow, except the geese, they follow me all over, so I will just scoop them up and put them in the shed when needed.

Ans I now am up to 4 broodies, on stand by in case we lose power.
smile.png call me crazy, but I haven't done anything to prepare.
I am trusting my neighbors who say we should be fine (I guess I should have noted the key word: SHOULD)
Latest update for my area was winds in the 38-58mph range, so I guess that's not too bad. If we do get some strong winds, should I close up the coop doors? I don't want the birds getting blown around. Hmm...then I have to decide what to do with Miss I leave her outside? Do I risk it and lock her in the coop with the chickens? I'm still standing on the hopes
that nothing but rain and wind come our way....after all, I am in the middle of nowhere!! I haven't done much as I am dealing with (for the first time ever) nonstop morning sickness. It's a welcome "symptom" for the sheer fact of what it symbolizes; however, to keep up with DD and everything around here...not great timing. I was so excited thinking I might have escaped it since I'm at week 7...then I read, it rears its ugly head around week 6...go figure.
I may run to the store to see if they have any ginger stuff....and granny smith apples!!
Although I am afraid to venture to the stores...
Good thing no one in this house drinks milk for I'm sure it will be gone!!

Please stay safe all of you to the east of me.

SCM - take care and try not to stress with all the "company"!!

HT- Best of luck with the chickenstock!! Can't wait to see photos!!

Everyone else...try to stay dry and safe.
good luck with the hatches and broodies!!

Be sure to let us know how you all weathered the storm as you can!!

and before I forget....
to all the new folks!!
I will be thinking and praying that ya'll will be safe, and all your beloved flocks too. Batten down the hatches.
so sorry Ruthann about the morning sickness hope it doesn't last long..
Up all night and morning with my youngest and heading to the dr. soon.
Kids and their timing!!!! But had to tell ya, Ruthann - 1st off GO to the store and get supplies, and 1 of them needs to be an herbal tea made by Yogi Tea called Mother-To-Be Tea. It really helps! Had terrible morning sickness this last time around and it saved me. I even recommended it to an aunt who battled cancer while suffering from her chemo and she said it even helped her a bit. It is good stuff!!! Hope you get feeling better!!!!

Good luck again to all of you!!!!!!!! Fingers crossed!!!

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