North Carolina

We have finally, after about a year of deliberation and debate over what kind of pet would be best for our home, decided that the best thing ever would be a small flock of chickens! We're building a coop out of a part of our storage shed behind the garage, and jumping into this whole thing after babysitting the neighbors flock a few times and deciding cats and dogs just weren't the kind of pets we should even be debating at all. We want a functional pet. One that gives us eggs! There's one catch... my wonderful, introverted, typically easy-to-please, science guy of a man would like some interesting breeds. He never just settles for ordinary. I can't just go out and get six random chicks. Hence my dilemma. I didn't know there would be so many to choose from.

Here's the wish list. Where in NC do I get such a random crop of ladies? I'm in the Raleigh area.
- Orpington (Lavendar and Blue would be awesome, but we both agree that we love ol' fluffy Buffy. I'd take one of each!)
- Ameraucana (Blue or green eggs!)
- Marans (something that lays dark brown colored eggs -- not necessarily the darkest ones available, but he would like dark brown eggs)
- Wyandotte (so pretty)

I appreciate any comments that I'm given on raising my first flock of misfits or suggestions that my first flock shouldn't be quite so diverse.
We have finally, after about a year of deliberation and debate over what kind of pet would be best for our home, decided that the best thing ever would be a small flock of chickens! We're building a coop out of a part of our storage shed behind the garage, and jumping into this whole thing after babysitting the neighbors flock a few times and deciding cats and dogs just weren't the kind of pets we should even be debating at all. We want a functional pet. One that gives us eggs! There's one catch... my wonderful, introverted, typically easy-to-please, science guy of a man would like some interesting breeds. He never just settles for ordinary. I can't just go out and get six random chicks. Hence my dilemma. I didn't know there would be so many to choose from.

Here's the wish list. Where in NC do I get such a random crop of ladies? I'm in the Raleigh area.
- Orpington (Lavendar and Blue would be awesome, but we both agree that we love ol' fluffy Buffy. I'd take one of each!)
- Ameraucana (Blue or green eggs!)
- Marans (something that lays dark brown colored eggs -- not necessarily the darkest ones available, but he would like dark brown eggs)
- Wyandotte (so pretty)

I appreciate any comments that I'm given on raising my first flock of misfits or suggestions that my first flock shouldn't be quite so diverse.

my best advise on starting off is , If you dont absolutely have to have roosters , its really better not to get any unless your dead set on breeding also sent you a PM
Good morning folks

Welcome to all the new flockers and it
was so nice to meet one at the flock
swap yesterday......managed to sell
a few roos so it was a good day. I like
where that swap was at and the folks
there seem friendly plus they had
some cute little barred cochins running
about the place.

I'm sure Beth ( Bhep) will be on here
later.......she's a wonderful lady to know

kDactyl........sounds like a nice start on a
flock.......if you are not set up for chicks I
would suggest starting with POL, point
of lay, pullets so you know you don't have
roosters but you may not find them until
spring. I have marans and ameracanas as
well as EEs but I don't have any pol yet. I
may have a few frizzled EE pol in the spring.
I'm sure others here can help you get your
flock started with good birds.

congrats NH on a good ultrasound

hope everyone has a good day
Good Morning, Happy Chicken People!

Missed visiting at the swap yesterday, and didn't get Beth's text about the NZ bunnies until afternoon. Still, can't replace that Californian doe with a NZ until the Cali is actually gone! Beth, enabler as she is, pointed out to me where I have plenty of room for more rabbit cages! No, no, no!

I put House Chicken out with the others yesterday...the younger ones. I'm hoping she doesn't have to come back in.

When I went to feed yesterday morning, I found the foxes had been back. They dug under the moat door, but not into the henhouse. The chicken that had been hawk killed had been left for Chris to use as bait in the live trap...then he forgot, so it was still in the moat. They took that, and didn't dig under. He did set up the trap yesterday. I'm about to go do chores and see where we stand this morning. Cross your crossables!
kDactyl ! What color Wyandottes are you looking for. Between me & CoopScoop, we got you covered for all the breeds you are looking for.

Hollow... Wasn't me !!!
Pfffftttttt!!! "Wasn't me", indeed! I have the texts to prove it!

The foxes tried to get the bait out of the trap from the back, but that was it. All is well.

Today is sheep-shearing day, as the locker lambs go to freezer camp tomorrow. It's also rabbit breeding day, rabbit butchering day, and baking day. And I've found an asparagus mushroom quiche recipe that I'm wanting to test out. So, a busy day. And first classes tomorrow, so have some prep for that left, too.

Everyone, enjoy your day!
:welcome    kDactyl !   What color Wyandottes are you looking for. Between me & CoopScoop, we got you covered for all the breeds you are looking for.  :gig

Hollow... Wasn't me !!!  :lau

We're all good to start with chicks. We never envisioned adopting teenagers! Can you get preteens sexed or just get extras and deal with the males later? I have no color preference on the Wyandotte.

I also found that this site works on my mobile.. :)
We're all good to start with chicks. We never envisioned adopting teenagers! Can you get preteens sexed or just get extras and deal with the males later? I have no color preference on the Wyandotte.
I also found that this site works on my mobile..

Well if you get unsexed chicks, you will end up with some roosters. So yes go with extras. With have a MUCH better chance of sexing. Most breeds are easy to sex in their teens. But still get surprises now and then.

Too bad you didn't post a day sooner... I just sold 8 teenage pullets yesterday at the flock swap.

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