North Carolina

I so hate to see someone give up on their chickens. I lost a flock and know how hard it can be but also know the joy I have found since in the 4 yrs I have had them. I never have lost them like that since. I wish our friend on here did not leave. The thing to remember is not to buy from auctions, never buy a new chicken and bring it home that has touched ground somewhere else. Only hatch eggs from tested flocks to protect yourself. Use some common sense in keeping a clean flock. Chickens like everything else can and do get sick sometimes. Do not give up. Keep vigilant. Contact your local agr. dept to find a flock tester in your area for npip. It is very reasonable. They will also do A1 testing. If you wish to pay a little more they will do salmonella, Ms/mg testing too. I have mine checked for my peace of mind. I love eggs. Yummm
I have 2 hens. They get along fine with everyone. And I will say this...they are a small bird but lay an EXTRA large egg and barely skip a day.

Good! Thanks for the info! Can't wait for those eggs to come. We have 6, I'm thinking we'll have quite a few eggs on our hands! Maybe then we can sell the eggs, and they will earn their keep ;) Just kidding, we're just hobbyists.
Good! Thanks for the info! Can't wait for those eggs to come. We have 6, I'm thinking we'll have quite a few eggs on our hands! Maybe then we can sell the eggs, and they will earn their keep ;) Just kidding, we're just hobbyists.

FTI; There is a market for fresh eggs. Your best customers may be your neighbor.
Hi all,
It has rained here all day off and on too. Lots of it. Thunder, hail, lightening etc. shudder. The power has also shuddered off and on. Poor computer. It has been off and I have to restart it.
I have some tiny little roos of Norwegon Jearhons, Gnhs and later I will have some male Delawares. I do not like to grow them out. They are 2 and 1/2 weeks old if anyone is near Franklin they could have them free. Just send me a note. Oh I also have one dominigue, roo and I think one Slw roo of the same age.
We are close to Franklin! We are over here in Hayesville!
Hi everyone!

I was hoping to have the addition finished today, but it rained quite a bit this morning and now a thunderstorm is going through. I cleaned out the coop earlier and I thought I was going to suffocate due to the crazy humidity. Since the weather has not cooperated I have been working on homework all afternoon.

I wish I could give more advice to help out other chicken owners, but I am just a newbie myself. I'm just taking it a day at a time. I did do a lot of research on owning chickens before getting them. I hope to one day be able to help out whenever I can. For now I am just taking in all the wonderful info. in this forum. I hope Dutchbunny has better luck in the future!
Anyone else have Leghorns around here?
I have Rose Comb Brown Leghorns, not quite old enough to lay yet. I just cut them back to one cockerel and five pullets. They are in a group of around forty of their agegroup, and that little cockerel, "Little Big Man" is the boss of the Ameraucana cockerel and four Buff Orpington cockerels. They may be smaller, but they aren't taking a back seat to anyone!

I just got back from seeing Luka's GF and little Lucian. Jeepers....what a cute baby! Most of them look all squished at a day old, but this is a pretty baby. Lots of hair. GF (since Luka has never posted her name, I'm not taking that liberty) says he'll have a full beard by a year! She's got a great pic she'll try to get up on here. If she can't, I'll get the priviledge! And GF is doing really well, particularly for a first time mom! I was impressed!
I have Rose Comb Brown Leghorns, not quite old enough to lay yet. I just cut them back to one cockerel and five pullets. They are in a group of around forty of their agegroup, and that little cockerel, "Little Big Man" is the boss of the Ameraucana cockerel and four Buff Orpington cockerels. They may be smaller, but they aren't taking a back seat to anyone!

I just got back from seeing Luka's GF and little Lucian. Jeepers....what a cute baby! Most of them look all squished at a day old, but this is a pretty baby. Lots of hair. GF (since Luka has never posted her name, I'm not taking that liberty) says he'll have a full beard by a year! She's got a great pic she'll try to get up on here. If she can't, I'll get the priviledge! And GF is doing really well, particularly for a first time mom! I was impressed!
Wonderful news! Congrats Luke and GF!
Originally Posted by TarheelBirdy

Badin Lake, know it well, we go swimming with the horses there in the summer!
I am 10 minutes to badin in troy. Right off of 109. Bet the horses like that.. I just recently moved here last year.

I need to find this place and take the horses for some fun

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