North Carolina

Always have sight of target! DS-1 has not gone hunting yet, but knows the danger, and tells me about it, as he has read. He has not had a good opportunity to use these things that he has learned, but so glad he has still.
OK, I am not afraid of shooting something eating my fowl, but I am not getting in trouble with the law!
Yes! I will cry like a baby after taking a creatures life, but we do what we must. I don't like killing if I am not eating it.

Hollow does know the law on this, and it is serious if you shout raptors.
We have a few nest near us (owls & hawks), and over 100 birds, We like to let them free range outside of their fences at times, and it is a risk we take. Most hens stay close to houses and runs, as they are near tree cover too, but they do stalk, and find weaknesses. I had lost many 6-8 week chicks a few years back, and when we made it to where she could not feed her young from there, she stalked the hens, and one day got one. When this happens it is very scary, to them, and yes, to us! We mourn our losses, and move forward. Each time an event like this happens we are sad, but we tighten up security. Last spring I lost over 26 chickens, a goat, and a duck to large predators. This year only 9, but 2 to most likely an Owl. I feel very defeated every time this happens, but we learn from it as well.

I guess we have to find a healthy balance between healthy Happy hens (as I call them), and safety. There are times that safety and a change in routine trump free ranging. When this happens I usually provide fowl with grazing that I have pulled/clipped from other areas of the property, and/or produce from garden/kitchen/yard. The Peafowl loved it when the Mulberries were fruiting.

NH- I am so happy for you!
No C-section...
Was this to be another baby girl???? Let us know when you can.
*****WARNING: LONG STORY***** NOT pleasant.

There are parts of keeping chickens that I really don't like. Today I was forced to deal with a predator. On the 11th I had a polish pullet(Flat Top) disappear. The 15th a full grown Show Quality bantam cochin hen(Sky) was taken. The next day I saw a large, scruffy, skinny cat slinking through the neighbor's yard. Another stray/feral that has tossed out and left. I have been on guard outside all day everyday since. The stress has kept me from even trying to sleep. We set several live traps.

2 days ago I was feeding BigMama and the babies. Since they are running around the fenced yard with all the other chickens I can't just leave food out for them, so I set their food out and let them pig out a few times a day. Anyways, I was standing there keeping everyone else away from their food while they ate when that same cat jumped down out of the loft of the woodshed and grabbed the black polish pullet(Shadow) 5 feet from me. BigMama was flogging it's face and I was hitting it with my walking/herding stick. The cat still took the chick and jumped back into the loft. The chick went silent. I ran for my rifle, but never found the cat. This morning I was making another round when I saw it sneaking through heading for the woodshed.

It saw me and headed away. It went around the front hedge. I grabbed my Ruger 10/22 and went after. I went through the front gate as quiet as I could and came around the hedge. It was about 50 feet away heading out the drive. I aimed and shot. The cat did NOT react. It just few over. I hit it just behind the head through the spine. I went to it and shot it a final time in the head to make sure it was gone. No matter what it had done I did not want it to suffer. I know it was not the cat's fault. The person to BLAIM is the PIECE OF **** that tossed it out here to go wild and end up as a predator.

I know some folks will be mad I killed it and I am upset I had too, but it was coming on my property, into a fenced yard, and killing my birds. I do not kill to kill. Anyone that knows me knows I hate to hurt any animal, but I WILL protect if I have too.

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I did not like that story at all!!!!!

I mean I get you can't have animals killing your birds, you do what you got to do.

Ever think of getting a cat??? My cat is amazing and guards my other animals. Before I got into having other pets he'd always go in our yard and kill birds and bunnies and stuff that cats do. But once I got chicks and bunnies and guinea pigs he somehow knew they were mine and not to be messed with. He's never touched any of my animals and keeps the other cats and whatnot out of the yard.

Leaving in 20 minutes for his next appointment, it's not looking good. Praying he somehow gets better, I'm going to be a wreck if something happens to him.
Good to know! I will have to install some moving things. I don't know where the nest is, but I would assume on Ft Bragg since our property is right by the range and they have tons of undisturbed trees there.

I hung CDs in my trees, over my run, attached grocery bags below them. I don't even have a top on my run. And have yet to lose a birds to a hawk with the exception of the two hens that wondered WAY out into the neighbors field.
[COLOR=FF0000]*****WARNING: LONG STORY***** NOT pleasant.[/COLOR]

There are parts of keeping chickens that I really don't like.  Today I was forced to deal with a predator.  On the 11th I had a polish pullet(Flat Top) disappear.  The 15th a full grown Show Quality bantam cochin hen(Sky) was taken.  The next day I saw a large, scruffy, skinny cat slinking through the neighbor's yard.  Another stray/feral that has tossed out and left. I have been on guard outside all day everyday since.  The stress has kept me from even trying to sleep.  We set several live traps.

2 days ago I was feeding BigMama and the babies.  Since they are running around the fenced yard with all the other chickens I can't just leave food out for them, so I set their food out and let them pig out a few times a day.  Anyways, I was standing there keeping everyone else away from their food while they ate when that same cat jumped down out of the loft of the woodshed and grabbed the black polish pullet(Shadow) 5 feet from me.  BigMama was flogging it's face and I was hitting it with my walking/herding stick.  The cat still took the chick and jumped back into the loft.  The chick went silent.  I ran for my rifle, but never found the cat.  This morning I was making another round when I saw it sneaking through heading for the woodshed.

It saw me and headed away.  It went around the front hedge.  I grabbed my Ruger 10/22 and went after.  I went through the front gate as quiet as I could and came around the hedge.  It was about 50 feet away heading out the drive.  I aimed and shot.  The cat did NOT react.  It just few over.  I hit it just behind the head through the spine.  I went to it and shot it a final time in the head to make sure it was gone.  No matter what it had done I did not want it to suffer.  I know it was not the cat's fault.  The person to BLAIM is the PIECE OF **** that tossed it out here to go wild and end up as a predator.

I know some folks will be mad I killed it and I am upset I had too, but it was coming on my property, into a fenced yard, and killing my birds.  I do not kill to kill.  Anyone that knows me knows I hate to hurt any animal, but I WILL protect if I have too.

I am soo sorry Matt, I know that was hard for you. :hugs its never easy taking the life of another animal especially ones that are 'pets'. So sorry it came to that, but glad your birds are safe now. And sorry for the loss of your girls :hugs
Its always hard matt. Sorry for everybody's loss on here. We all have them but we have to what we feel is right and move forward. Not putting each other down for their reactions. But learn from them. Praying we all live in peace. If not well........... Sorry for bunny and matt Good times are around the corner..
[COLOR=FF0000]*****WARNING: LONG STORY***** NOT pleasant.[/COLOR]

There are parts of keeping chickens that I really don't like.  Today I was forced to deal with a predator.  On the 11th I had a polish pullet(Flat Top) disappear.  The 15th a full grown Show Quality bantam cochin hen(Sky) was taken.  The next day I saw a large, scruffy, skinny cat slinking through the neighbor's yard.  Another stray/feral that has tossed out and left. I have been on guard outside all day everyday since.  The stress has kept me from even trying to sleep.  We set several live traps.

2 days ago I was feeding BigMama and the babies.  Since they are running around the fenced yard with all the other chickens I can't just leave food out for them, so I set their food out and let them pig out a few times a day.  Anyways, I was standing there keeping everyone else away from their food while they ate when that same cat jumped down out of the loft of the woodshed and grabbed the black polish pullet(Shadow) 5 feet from me.  BigMama was flogging it's face and I was hitting it with my walking/herding stick.  The cat still took the chick and jumped back into the loft.  The chick went silent.  I ran for my rifle, but never found the cat.  This morning I was making another round when I saw it sneaking through heading for the woodshed.

It saw me and headed away.  It went around the front hedge.  I grabbed my Ruger 10/22 and went after.  I went through the front gate as quiet as I could and came around the hedge.  It was about 50 feet away heading out the drive.  I aimed and shot.  The cat did NOT react.  It just few over.  I hit it just behind the head through the spine.  I went to it and shot it a final time in the head to make sure it was gone.  No matter what it had done I did not want it to suffer.  I know it was not the cat's fault.  The person to BLAIM is the PIECE OF **** that tossed it out here to go wild and end up as a predator.

I know some folks will be mad I killed it and I am upset I had too, but it was coming on my property, into a fenced yard, and killing my birds.  I do not kill to kill.  Anyone that knows me knows I hate to hurt any animal, but I WILL protect if I have too.


You are right on all counts. It comes back to the fault of the person who tossed out a pet. The cat was trying to survive. Unfortunately, feral cats are a big problem with both domestic small livestock and wildlife. Sorry you had to be the one to take that cat out, but glad you made it as quick and clean as you could.

SOMEBODY LAID AN EGG TODAY!!!!! :) I just went out to the coop and there it was!!!!!!!! A beautiful perfect light beige egg! :) yey!!!!! Sorry but I'm so excited!

Congratulations! First eggs are always cause for excitement!
The weatherman is calling for rain tomorrow after all, so it looks like I'm hauling sand this evening. Ugh. I much prefer doing the heavy work earlier in the day before I'm tired. But, what must be, must be. I have a date with my shovel about 5:00. Woohoo. Or something like that.

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