North Carolina

Chickens do have a thing for watching television!!
Meg, was that Fred, or fried?
Just to clarify???

Yes, Chris named him, Captain, so he is a breeder, but what is he breeding?

I could have been clearer.... Sorry.
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*Please Help

My California girl has something wrong with her ear. And after hours of searching I can't find anything on how to treat her? Any help please?

hey wild yes these r ear mites the crud u see is dead skin and poop from the mites i got a few rabbits that had this and tried everything including mineral oils tree oils and kerosene nothing worked finally i asked a rabbit breeder and she told me to use injectable invermect but give a 6 lb rabbit a tenth of a cc orally this workd wonders and u have to repeat in 2 weeks to kill any new babay mites i was seeing results the next day and the rabbits felt much better
i have a trio of amerucanas molting so bad i took them to a swap today and i grabbbed one of the hens by the rear and all i mean all of her tail feathers came out and i barely pulled now she looks like an auracana and she kinda looks better

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